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whoami ❓
I am Abhirup Konwar (aka LegionHunter). I work as a full-time bug hunter and dedicate the rest of the time in understanding inner workings of open-source malwares.🥷
I have reported over 1000 bugs on OpenBugBounty as well as on HackerOne and BugCrowd along with numerous Hall Of Fame programs including NASA, State of California, University of Melbourne, American Systems, Monash University, RMIT University, Private HealthCare Company, and self hosted VDP + BBP , with bugs belonging to both Client and Server Injection category, Sensitive Information Disclosure & Broken Access Control.
In the beginning days I was busy focusing only on injection category bugs, without any deep understanding what actually I am doing , why I am injecting such payloads, why the code is vulnerable for it , and many more.
After I watched countless hours and many youtube tutorials about Power of Recon and Information Gathering in Bug Bounty, I started to love the recon niche area “Dorking : Google + Shodan + Github” and dedicated months towards it, without shifting to other bug categories with a goal that someday I will search with dorks that others can’t simply think about easily without hundreds of hit and trial…