Comprehensive Guide to Pentesting Methodology: From Zero to Hero

9 months ago 71

Dive deep into the pentesting methodology with our comprehensive guide, covering everything from physical attacks to post-exploitation strategies. Perfect for beginners and experts alike.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the art and science of penetration testing (pentesting) remain at the forefront of defense strategies. Pentesting, a simulated cyber attack against your computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities, is not just a task but an ongoing process of enhancing security measures.

This guide takes you on a journey from zero to hero in the realm of pentesting, offering a detailed look at methodologies used by professionals to safeguard networks and systems against the most cunning of adversaries.

1. Physical Attacks

The journey into pentesting begins with understanding the significance of physical access.

Physical attacks involve direct access to devices, enabling attackers to exploit hardware and software vulnerabilities or employing social engineering tactics to bypass security protocols. From USB drop attacks to social engineering tactics, mastering physical penetration techniques is a crucial step.

Understanding these vulnerabilities highlights the importance of securing physical access to systems and the necessity of comprehensive security policies that include physical threats.

2. Discovering Hosts and Assets

Whether conducting internal or external pentesting, identifying the target network’s hosts and assets is paramount.

This phase involves mapping the network, uncovering active devices, and cataloging critical systems and services.

Techniques vary based on the scope — internal versus external. Internally, tools like network scanners and IP sweepers help identify devices connected to the network.

Externally, domain and IP enumeration tools, along with DNS and WHOIS queries, uncover assets exposed to the internet.

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