1 year ago 63


The <html> tag: This tag is the root element of all HTML documents. It tells the browser that the document is an HTML document.

The <head> tag: This tag contains information about the HTML document, such as the title and meta tags. The meta tags provide information about the document, such as the author and keywords.

The <body> tag: This tag contains the main content of the HTML document. This is where you will put your headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other elements.

The <h1> to <h6> tags: These tags are used to create headings. The <h1> tag is the largest heading, and the <h6> tag is the smallest heading.

The <p> tag: This tag is used to create paragraphs.

Tags for images

<img>: This tag embeds an image.<src>: This attribute specifies the URL of the image.<alt>: This attribute specifies the alternative text for the image.<width>: This attribute specifies the width of the image.<height>: This attribute specifies the height of the image.

Tags for tables

<table>: This tag defines a table.<tr>: This tag defines a row in a table.<th>: This tag defines a header cell in a table.<td>: This tag defines a data cell in a table.

Tags for lists

<ul>: This tag defines an unordered list.<ol>: This tag defines an ordered list.<li>: This tag defines an item in a list.

Tags for styles

<style>: This tag defines a style sheet.<link>: This tag links to an external style sheet.

Tags for links

<a>: This tag is used to create hyperlinks.<href>: This attribute specifies the URL of the linked document.<target>: This attribute specifies the window or frame in which to open the linked document.<rel>: This attribute specifies the relationship between the linked document and the current document.

Tags for forms

<form>: This tag defines a form.<input>: This tag creates an input field.<textarea>: This tag creates a text area.<select>: This tag creates a select list.<option>: This tag creates an option within a select list.<button>: This tag creates a button.

Tags for iframe

<iframe>: This tag embeds another HTML document into the current document.src: This attribute specifies the URL of the page that you want to embed in the iframe.width: This attribute specifies the width of the iframe in pixels.height: This attribute specifies the height of the iframe in pixels.
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