0 star rating got me 40 EUR. MY first bug I got paid for.

3 days ago 12


Hello there,

It’s been a while since I last wrote a write-up. I had given up on bug bounty hunting because I didn’t get any significant findings. Mostly, what I encountered were false positives. “It’s not my cup of tea,” I thought. I was looking for something big like XSS, RCE, SSRF, or XXE, imagining my reaction when I finally discovered one of them. Daydreams. The only thing I got was disappointment.

Then I woke up to reality and started going for low-hanging fruits. I saw a function on the website I’m currently working on and did the classic parameter tampering I used to do on DVWA or maybe it was Juiceshop — I don’t remember. I never thought it was a bug that would give me my first bounty.

As a college student, this 40 EUR feels like having a castle of gold. Indeed, it’s nothing compared to what other people in this industry earn, but it’s a lot for me. Thanks for reading.

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