2 days ago 10

Keorapetse Malgas

or is it my beloved

JavaScript is at the core of modern web applications — and where there’s JavaScript, there are vulnerabilities waiting to be discovered. I recently started learning Bug bounty and I hit a wall🧱.Since I don’t have any background in web applications ,I completely fail to under exactly what applications are intended to do and I realized if I understood the language of the web I’d have an edge in finding and exploiting security flaws like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Prototype Pollution, CSRF, and API vulnerabilities.

This 100-day structured learning plan is designed to help me build a solid JavaScript foundation while directly applying your knowledge to security-focused challenges. I’ll learn from W3Schools, TryHackMe walkthroughs, and a free course from the Skools community, ensuring a mix of theoretical understanding and hands-on practice. By the end of this journey, I’ll be well-equipped to tackle real-world bug bounty programs and confidently test web applications for security flaws.

Here’s the first 2 weeks of the plan to start hacking JavaScript the right way! 🚀

Week 1–2:

1–3 JavaScript Basics (Syntax, Variables, Data Types)Understanding DOM and potential attack vectors.

4–6 Functions, Scope, and Closures-Function scoping issues leading to data leakage.

7–9 Arrays, Objects, and Loops-Insecure object properties exploitation.

10–12 Error Handling & Debugging-Identifying JavaScript errors that reveal vulnerabilities.

13–14 First TryHackMe Walkthrough-Hands-on practice with JavaScript-based vulnerabilities.

To follow my learning journey follow me on linkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/keorapetse-malgas since I will be posting my progress 3 times a week . Week 3–4 will be posted alongside my takeaways from week 1 and 2 .😍hope to see you on LinkedIn.

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