40 Popular AngularJs Chat Script

4 years ago 181

Are you looking for AngularJs Chat Script for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated AngularJs Chat Script. You can use these popular AngularJs Chat Script to make your web application more awesome.

AngularJs Chat Script

Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked AngularJs Chat Script.

S.No. Name Details Popularity(Likes)
1 angular2-rxjs-chat Example Chat Application using RxJS and Angular 2 1.6k
2 socket-io-typescript-chat A chat application implemented using Socket.io, TypeScript, Angular and Angular Material components 745
3 angular2-redux-chat An introduction to using pure Redux in TypeScript with Angular 2 167
4 ChatRoom-AngularJS An online chat room built with Angular, Node.js, Express and socket.io. View more http://www.cnblogs.com/SheilaSun/p/… 75
5 angular2-node-socket-io-chat-app Chat App built using Angular 2 and Node (Socket.io) 133

6 angularjs-hubbub Angular JS HubBub chat application 81
7 angular-bootstrap-simple-chat Simple AngularJS Chat Directive with Bootstrap 147
8 angular-socketio-chat A chat application written in AngularJS, Socket.IO, Node/Express and Bootstrap. Feel free to fork/experiment. 108
9 angularjs-chat AngularJS Chat – Enable chat messaging experiences in your iOS, Android and Web apps. 72
10 aws-mobile-appsync-chat-starter-angular GraphQL starter progressive web application (PWA) with Realtime and Offline functionality using AWS AppSync 413
11 mean-angular4-chat-app MEAN stack with Angular 4 Chat App 42
12 cookie-chat Build an angular chat app with a chatting cookie api 1
13 angularjs-socket-node-chat A chat server/client using AngularJS, Socket.IO and NodeJS 135

14 ng-chat 💬 A simple facebook/linkedin lookalike chat module for Angular applications. 121
15 angular-socket-io-chat An example Angular chat app, made on top of ExpressJS & Socket.io. 133
16 AngularChat 54
17 59-angular-chatbot-dialogflow Build a Chatbot with Angular https://angularfirebase.com/lessons/chatbot-in-angular-with-dialogflow-api-ai/ 54
18 chatroom-cordova-ionic-angularjs-firebase Chat room app built with Cordova, Ionic and Angularjs 95
19 angular-chatbot DialogFlow Chatbot with Angular 44
20 base-chat A simple chat application built using Angular and Firebase 47
21 Rocket.Chat.PWA Bandwidth efficient, simplified client built with Angular. 81
22 angular-elements-chat-widget 💬 Chat Widget built with Angular Elements 101
23 ionic3-angular5-firebase-simple-chat Ionic 3, Angular 5 and Firebase Simple Chat App 23
24 angularfire2-chat Use AngularFire2 to Create a Simple Chat App from Coursetro.com 29
25 mean-chat Simple Chat app using Socket.IO, MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS. 84
26 chat-app-with-geolocation Angular Form Builder – AngularJS + Bootstrap + Node.js + MongoDB + Socket.io + Google Map (User Chat Application wit… 80
27 technode-tutorial Tutorial on building chat app with node.js, socket.io and angular.js. 312
28 laravel-angularjs-chat-app-tutorial 37
29 chat21-web-widget Live Chat Widget built with Firebase and Angular4 for customer support . 51
30 kawachat2-client Angular 4 Chat App using Socket.IO 2.0 100
31 spachat 💬 Single Page Application Angular Chat 41
32 chatbot-for-learning-angular 46
33 Ionic-ElastiChat-with-Images Ionic Magic Chat with Angular Elastic, Autolinker.js and more! 64
34 angular-simple-chat AngularJS chat directive 29
35 feathers-chat-angular An angular implementation of a feathers-chat client 48
36 Angular-AI-Chat-Bot Angular chat bot with google API 9
37 ngx-chat Angular XMPP Client & Chat UI 18
38 angularfire-ionic-chat A real-time chat channel 32
39 IEvangelist.VideoChat Imagine two Twilio SDKs, ASP.NET Core/C#, Angular/TypeScript, SignalR, etc… Yeah, amazing! 35
40 202-chatbot-dialogflow Episode 202 – Build a chatbot with Dialogflow, Cloud Functions, and Angular 29

I Hope you liked Hand-picked list of AngularJs Chat Script, Don’t forget to Subscribe My Public Notebook for more useful Hand-picked free scripts, code examples, tutorials and articles.

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