A Tester's Journey Through Test Automation and Practical Scenarios.

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What is Test Automation?

Test automation is the process of using software tools and scripts to execute pre-defined tests on software applications to ensure they perform as expected.

Benefits of Test Automation

Test automation streamlines testing processes by automating repetitive tasks, boosting efficiency.It accelerates feedback loops, identifying bugs early and facilitating prompt resolution.Automation ensures consistent test execution, minimizing human errors and enhancing accuracy.Testers can redirect their efforts towards more complex scenarios and exploratory testing.Overall, test automation leads to faster release cycles, improved product quality, and increased customer satisfaction.

What to Test with Test Automation

Functional TestsRegression TestsIntegration TestsPerformance TestsAPI TestsUI TestsSecurity TestsCompatibility TestsData TestsLocalization Tests

Now, Buckle up for an honest plunge into the world of test automation, where the seasoned wisdom of a tester with over 3 years in the business, yours truly, spills the beans on making it not only work but actually sing.

1. The Real Importance of Test Automation

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"Automation isn’t a magic wand", In my opinion it’s a deliberate choice. My journey has taught me that it’s about understanding our project’s quirks, and figuring out where automation genuinely adds value.

It’s not about trends but aligning automation with what our unique project craves.


Let’s take for example an e-commerce app, the user registration and login happen frequently.

A Quality Assurance Engineer can Automate these processes to ensure users can smoothly access their accounts, while freeing up time for exploratory testing of unique features like personalized shopping recommendations.

2. Playing the Test Case Priority Chess

Not all test cases are created equal. I believe it’s about being smart with our choices, I’ve learned to sniff out those repetitive, game-changing scenarios that deserve the automation spotlight.

It’s not about doing it all but doing what truly matters.


Your banking app processes thousands of transactions daily, A QA Tester should Prioritize automation for routine transactions to catch potential glitches.

The QA team needs to focus manually on complex financial transactions, ensuring precision where it matters most.

3. Picking Your Automation Tools Wisely

Tool selection isn't a tech fashion show, It's a practical decision. After wading through the tool jungle, I can tell you – "it's about tools that get the job done", and tools that fit into the tech puzzle with little or no headaches. A Flashy tool doesn't always mean an effective tool.


Are you Building a content-heavy website? Your QA Team should Opt for tools like Screaming Frog for SEO analysis.

If your application heavily relies on real-time user interactions, tools like Cypress with its interactive testing capabilities might be your go-to for a seamless experience.

4. Crafting Efficient Test Scripts with Heart and Soul

Writing test scripts goes beyond coding; they serve as the foundation of our automation narrative. My focus is, on creating scripts ensuring they are not only effective but durable, adaptable and prepared for the future. It’s more than automating tasks; it’s, about establishing a testing framework


Let’s picture a healthcare app where patient data input is a constant, The QA Engineer should Craft robust scripts to validate the accuracy of data input forms.

The QA Team should Ensure that the application can handle various patient information scenarios, from basic details to medical history.

5. Jamming Automation into the CI Groove

Automation is not working alone; it's part of a team known as Continuous Integration (CI). Incorporating automated tests, into CI pipelines is more than a task – it's about ensuring that testing enhances speed than hindering it. It's not about causing delays but rather being a promoter of reliable software delivery.


To keep your media app up to date include automated tests in CI to quickly identify any issues that may arise again.

For example automate tests, for sharing updates to ensure they seamlessly integrate into the integration process for feedback.

6. Evolution - Because Maintenance is so Yesterday

Automation isn't a one-hit wonder, it's an ongoing gig. I've learned that it's not just about maintaining but evolving our automated test suite. Adapting to changes isn't a choice, I believe it's the secret sauce for staying relevant in the ever-shifting software testing landscape.


A travel app usually undergoes regular updates. A QA Team should Evolve automated test suites to accommodate changes in the booking process, such as additional travel options or modified user interfaces, ensuring that tests stay relevant with each iteration.

7. Geek Speak in Metrics? Nah, It’s Your GPS

Photo credit: tricentis

Metrics are like the GPS of automation, I swear by key metrics – test coverage, execution time, defect detection rate – not as data overload but as breadcrumbs guiding us home.

It's not about drowning, it's about staying on course.


Imagine an E-learning platform, The QA Team should Track metrics to ensure comprehensive test coverage across various courses, monitor execution time to guarantee timely access, and keep a keen eye on defect detection rates to swiftly address any hiccups in course enrollment or content access.

8. Challenges? Bring 'Em On, We’ve Got Swagger

Challenges are the spice of automation life, Whether it's flaky tests or a wild, ever-changing UI, my playbook involves rolling up sleeves and solving problems with a dash of "swagger" . It's not about chasing perfection but taming the automation wild west with a smile.


Consider an ever-evolving gaming application, Challenges like changes in graphics or user interfaces are inevitable.

Swagger through by debugging flaky tests when the game environment shifts, ensuring that the automation keeps pace with the dynamic nature of gaming app development.

That’s the chaotic, yet incredibly intriguing experience of being a tester, in the world of automation.

Here’s to automation and the thrilling adventure known as software development! 🚀

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