Account Takeover via password reset functionality.

11 months ago 66


Hey hackers, I hope you are doing well.

I am Ahmed AbdElsalam and this is a new write up

i will take about IDOR leads to account takeover

Frst we want to know what is insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) ?

This is a type of access control vulnerability that arises when an application uses user-supplied input to access objects directly without any filters.

and What is an account takeover vulnerability?

This vulnerability allows the attacker to gain unauthorized and full access to the victim’s account by exploiting the authentication flaw in the application.

ok lets start

I tried to reset my password , so i clicked on Forget Your Password ?

then i received a mail contains a link to reset the password.

i opened the link and found that i must write a new password and new password confirm so i wrote them and intercepted the request with burp suite

i noticed that user id is included in the request so i tried to manipulate this id

i have already another account so i get this account id and put this id in the request and i found this

response is ok, so i went to check if The password of the other account changed successfully

and YES I found that the password changed successfully so i can get access to any account with its id only.

thanks for your time.

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