ARTICLE ADThere are many ways people usually customize SQLmap like using extra headers, random user agents, tampering scripts, or delays between requests. Fine-tuning those options could sometimes help to fuzz specific endpoints or avoid Web Application Firewall rules. Although this tool is pretty good by its defaults, you could still add your own twist to it. Certain configuration files describe the payloads the SQLMap sends. For different people, those configuration files might be in different locations. It depends on which operating system you use, how you install it, do you already have it in your OS (like Kali Linux, or ParrotOS), etc.
What it comes down to, are those particular XML files that have their payload described. As we can see on the GitHub sqlmap repository right here:
There are different types of SQL injection payloads described in each of the files. For example, let’s look into the boolean_blind.xml file:
This file does contain the most explanation of how you can build your own SQLmap query. It does contain a comment where it…