Apple iPhone USB-C Security Breach

2 days ago 8

WIRE TOR - The Ethical Hacking Services

Over the past few weeks, Apple users have found themselves facing a series of worrying security concerns. From credential-stealing attacks affecting millions of macOS users to a sudden rise in iOS-targeted hacking attempts, it’s been a challenging time for those invested in Apple’s ecosystem. However, the most recent discovery may leave iPhone users particularly vulnerable: security researchers have successfully hacked the iPhone’s USB-C controller, exploiting a flaw in the system that could allow attackers to bypass Apple’s security protections.

This latest exploit was revealed by security researcher Thomas Roth, who presented his findings at the 38th Chaos Communication Congress (38C3) held in Hamburg, Germany, at the close of 2024. The conference, organized by the Chaos Computer Club, is well-known for unveiling ground-breaking security research, and this year’s event certainly lived up to expectations. Roth, better known in the hacking community by his alias stacksmashing, shared an in-depth look into how he was able to compromise the Apple USB-C controller, specifically the ACE3 chip introduced with the iPhone 15 series.

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