Broken Link Hijacking: A Hidden Threat $350 Bounty

2 weeks ago 19

Himanshu Chouhan

Content spoofing via broken link hijacking is a security vulnerability that occurs when a malicious attacker registers a link on behalf of the original owner due to changes in the original link. This exploit allows attackers to impersonate credible targets or domains and leverage the trust users place in the brand to obtain sensitive information through social engineering tactics.

In this post, we’ll discuss the impact of this vulnerability on businesses and customers, as well as steps to reproduce the exploit.

The implications of broken link hijacking can be severe for businesses and their customers:

Reputational Damage: Customers may be misled by the malicious link and believe they are interacting with the legitimate business, causing a loss of trust when they realize they have been deceived.Indirect Financial Loss: While not a direct financial loss, the impact on a company’s reputation can lead to reduced customer loyalty and lower sales, affecting the company’s bottom line.

To avoid these risks, businesses must be vigilant in maintaining control over their links and protecting their brand integrity.

Let’s walk through how an attacker could exploit this vulnerability:

Visit the Target Website: Go to the target website to the Bottom of the Page: Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage.Locate the Twitter Icon: Observe the Twitter icon located at the bottom of the page.Click the Twitter Icon: Click on the Twitter icon, and you will be redirected to a Twitter account that has been hijacked.Explanation: If the original Twitter account link has been broken or changed, an attacker can register the original link or handle. This allows the attacker to impersonate the company and manipulate users into believing they are interacting with the legitimate account.

5. Potential Exploit: By claiming the username and hijacking the broken link, the attacker can engage in phishing or other malicious activities, such as requesting personal information from users.

Impersonation via broken link hijacking is a serious vulnerability that can cause damage to both businesses and their customers. Companies must regularly monitor and update their links, particularly on social media platforms, to prevent attackers from exploiting broken links.

By proactively addressing this vulnerability, businesses can protect their customers from deceptive practices and maintain the trust and integrity of their brand.

Happy Hacking!!

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