Bug Bounty Hunting — Complete Guide (Part-17)

3 days ago 11

Mehedi Hasan Rafid

Bug Bounty Hunting — Complete Guide
Photo by Digital Buggu: https://www.pexels.com/photo/monitor-displaying-computer-application-374559/

Domain Name Introduction

Your domain name is like your business’s online address — it’s what comes after “www” in your internet address. Therefore, selecting a domain name is crucial. It should be simple to remember and effortless to type.

Key Steps in Purchasing and Registering a Domain Name

When preparing to launch a website, acquiring a domain name is a critical initial step. It’s important to note that the domain name you desire may not always be available, requiring you to consider alternative options.

Once you purchase a domain name, it becomes registered and is added to a comprehensive domain name registry. Information about your website, such as its Internet IP address, is stored on a DNS server. Additionally, your contact details are registered with your chosen domain register.

Choosing the Right Domain Extension for Your Business

When selecting a domain name, the extension you choose should align with your business’s nature. While there are guidelines for certain extensions, such as .com for commercial entities and .org for non-profits, there’s flexibility in their use.

For instance:

.com: Widely used for any type of website.

.net: Commonly used for networks of sites.

.org: Typically used for organizations, especially non-profits.

.us, .in: Country-specific extensions based on your location.

.biz: Indicates a business-related website.

.info: Ideal for informational sites.

.tv: Suitable for television channel websites.

Newer extensions like .biz, .info, and .us offer a broader selection of available names at reasonable prices, making them attractive options for new ventures. When choosing an extension, consider how it reflects your business and aids in branding your online presence effectively.

Crafting a Memorable Domain Name

Your domain name serves as your digital business address, so choosing wisely is crucial. While including keywords can be beneficial for search engine visibility, prioritize keeping it short, memorable, and free of hyphens.

Using relevant keywords in your domain name offers a competitive edge. It can boost click through rates on search engine results and ads, and facilitate acquiring keyword-rich inbound links.

Avoid lengthy and complex domain names. Many opt for hyphens to separate words, but this practice is less favored now. Modern search engines prioritize relevance over the domain name itself.

Aim for a domain name with two to three words for better memorability. Successful brands often create unique names like eBay, Yahoo!, and Google, which are easy to spell and identify.

When choosing, ensure its easily spoken over the phone and understandable. Incorporating keywords is beneficial if it doesn’t compromise clarity. Focus on creating a name that resonates and represents your business effectively.

Enhancing Business Segmentation with Subdomains

Utilizing subdomains allows you to effectively segment different aspects of your business under a single domain. For instance, Google employs subdomains like adwords.google.com for Google Adwords, groups.google.com for Google Groups, and images.google.com for Google Images.

This segmentation ensures clarity and organization across various business sections. Creating subdomains is straightforward if you’ve already registered a domain; your registrar typically provides tools to manage this. Reach out to your registrar for detailed guidance on setting up subdomains tailored to your business needs.

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