Bug Bounty Programs and Bug Hunters

1 year ago 100
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Bug bounty programs are platforms that are created by ICT-related companies which allow non-biased computer error hunters/ hackers to detect errors, viruses, bugs, the software vulnerabilities in a computer and get paid. And it facilitates the hackers with recognition, additionally to the earning. And this is a very enclosed process because the public must be unaware of the defects in a computer system. Some bug bounty programs are only visible to Hackers.

The main intention of the bug bounty programs is to ensure the safety of the computer programs 100%. There are certain features that check and maintain the security of a computer program, but that small part is not enough to ensure the total safety of the computer program. So the service of bug bounty programs or bug hunters is essential.

The most famous social famous platforms like Facebook, Yahoo, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and Netflix provide bounties with good payment. Once, Twitter promised to provide US$140 to the bug hunters who succeed in detecting in discovering the faults, and errors in the social media platforms.

A bug bounty is a highly rewarding platform but highly challenging as well. Bug bounties are counted for the freelancers who can work independently and that do not have an earning limit. And the bug bounty hunters do not have an exact time frame to work, so they can work as they prefer around the requested time period.

And it is a good opportunity for freelancers to showcase their capabilities and talents and manifest some more works or projects that are very beneficial to them.

Image from https://www.securitymagazine.com/ext/resources/Issues/2018/September/SEC0918-cyber-feature-slide1_900px.jpg?t=1535763136&width=1080

History of Bug Bounty Programs

The first bug bounty program was started in 1983; at that time, a group of research experts found a bug in the VRTX operating system. As compensation for that Hunter & Ready Inc. offered Volkswagen Beetle car to them. And it is recorded that in 1995, Netscape have launched the first bug bounty program.

How to become a bug hunter?

To become a bug hunter, it is necessary to have quite sustainable knowledge of information and communication technology. But, a person who is in the ICT field and lacks the knowledge of cybersecurity can start bug hunting because he can use manual and online resources to self- learning. Enthusiasm and hustling are important to carry on with this process. And also it is important to have a piece of quite good knowledge of hacking methods and the network security process. And having a possess knowledge of software engineering, databases, programming languages, computer networking, and the internet can be an advantage for this process.


Things to be careful of when using bug bounty programs.

It is essential to allow only trustworthy bug hunters to access your program. Because there could be scammers and cyber attackers who are running after your information. So it is necessary to do the background check on the bug hunters that you are going to allow into your programs. And it is important to ensure that the bug bounty hunters are qualified enough. Because the lack of knowledge of the bug hunters could bring you huge losses in the future.

Benefits of bug bounty programs

Bug bounty programs provide the service separately as a whole package.They have a very flexible payment method.Continuous testing running helps to healthy experience for the system.Avoids financial losses in the future and saves profit.Ensures the full security of the system.Increases the confidence of the company to carry on with their work by winning the trustworthiness of the clients and coworkers.

Highest-earning bug hunters

Thomas DeVoss is a bug bounty hunter who earns nine million dollars. He looks for bugs as well as rechecks the corrected errors to see whether they have reappeared.A 19 years old teenager called Santiago Lopez was recorded as the first hacker who earned $1 million with bug bounty programs.Cosmin Lordache is an ethical hacker who around $2 million through HackerOne bug bounty Program.Gerhard Wagner was a security researcher who earned #2 million by detecting vulnerabilities in Polygon’s Plasma Bridge.



Bug Zero is a bug bounty, crowdsourcing platform for security testing. The platform is the intermediatory entity that enables client organizations to publish their service endpoints so that bug hunters (security researchers / ethical hackers) registered in the platform can start testing the endpoints without any upfront charge. Bug hunters can start testing as soon as a client organization publishes a new program. Bug Zero also offers private bug bounty programs for organizations with high-security requirements.


Bug Zero is available for both hackers and organizations.

For organizations and hackers, register with Bug Zero for free, and let’s make cyberspace safe.

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