Bug Hunting Colab

4 years ago 196

Akash Chhabra

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Let’s Use Google Features!

Google Colaboratory is designed to make the data science and machine learning Projects Easy as Everyone cannot afford costly GPUs For Training Of Machine Learning Models. Most Important Benefit it gives, is root access on the docker container which is Jupyter Notebook.

Let’s Now Come to Point, I tried using os.system() commands on it. I was able to do everything! Then I came to know that we can use any bash command in the jupyter notebook just by adding a ! sign in front of it.

I have made a script we will be regularly updated, will provide a VPS Instance with all loaded bug hunting tools. It will Provide two choices:

If You Use GPU Instance You will get 32 GB RAM and 70 GB Storage with combination of Nvidia Tesla K8 GPU (Hashcat will be Extremely Fast).A Normal Instance will provide 16 GB RAM and 100 GB of Storage.

Choice Depends Upon Need Choose what you want.


First of all, go to Ngrok Website And Sign Up For a Account.After Sign Up, In Authentication Click On Your Auth Token.You Can See Your Auth Token Here.Now Open My Colab Repo And Click On Open With Colab Button In Readme (You must be logged in with any gmail Account to use google colab).Simply Run JS Code Alive Script As Google Colab Gets Disconnected Sometimes being idle.Now Just Input your Ngrok token in Bug Hunting VPS And Wait for it Complete.Now Wait for 10 Minutes As It is gonna install all important tools from every epic infosec community member!You can disable VNC if you don’t need GUI Mode.Now You Can Enjoy Free VPS.


Free And No Need To Pay AnythingMount Google Drive For Permanent StorageOn Update NotificationsTools Regularly Updated As LaunchedFast 32 GB RAM


Disconnects After 24 Hrs.Epheremal Storage

FFUF Speed:

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FFUF Response 1700 req/sec

Internet Speed Test:

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Approx 49 MB/s

HashCat Response:

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7131 Million Per Second

Video Tutorial:

Will Be Available By Tomorrow

Thanks Everyone!

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