Bug Report from Product Testing https://hng.tech/

2 days ago 10

Bug Report from Product Testing of https://hng.tech/


This report provides a detailed analysis of the comprehensive testing conducted to evaluate its functionality, usability, performance, and security.


Leveraged a combination of automated testing tools and manual inspection to ensure thorough assessment across all aspects. Tests were performed across web and mobile platforms using chrome and Firefox.


> Recorded satisfactory response times under typical usage scenarios, with recommendations for optimizing scalability under peak loads.

> Initial server response time is slow ensuring faster page loading times, and enhancing overall system performance.

> First contentful paint (FCP) score is 2.7s. Good FCP are 1.8s or less. There is room for improvement.

> Core features like HNG learn, HNG internship, HNG hiring, HNG network and HNG products functioned reliably without significant issues.

Results and Recommendation

> Consider serving images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time.

> Enable text compression to minimize total network bytes.

> Efficiently encode emails as optimized images load faster and consume less data.

> Reduce unused JavaScript and defer loading scripts until they are required to decrease bytes consumed by network activity.

> Serve static asset with an efficient cache policy as it reduces server load, speeds up page load times, and improves overall website performance by minimizing unnecessary requests to the server.


Prioritize UI enhancements and scalability testing in subsequent iterations to deliver an intuitive user experience and meet increasing user demands efficiently.

…..There are opportunities for continual improvement…….

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