Create Draggable Dialog Popup Window In Pure JavaScript

3 years ago 161

WindowJS is a simple JavaScript library, to create a functional popup window inside of the browser. this is fully customizable dialog windows with resize/move/maximize/minimize capabilities.

Draggable Dialog Popup Window In Pure JavaScript


Download the .zip-File and put it in your project-folder.

Add this script-tag to the head of the file

<script src="path/to/js/file.js"></script> Add this link-tag to the head of the file, to include the styles <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/file.css" /> Start using the library!


Create new window

var win = new Window("Awesome title");

NOTE: Don’t use window as variable name, because the window object already exists!

Add content to the window

win.content.innerHTML = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ...';



It’s the main object to display the window


new Window(title, options); title (String): This string is used as the title of the window options (object): A object with options for the window (see below) (optional)

After instanciating the window is reloaded and shown (if not defined otherwise)


win.reload(); // Renders the window (you don't have to use this) win.setTitle(title); // Resets the title (string) win.getTitle(); // Returns the current title win.getContainer(); // Returns the container of the window win.changeOption(option, value); // Changes one option (string, object) win.getOptions(); // Returns the options win.changeState(state); // Sets the current state of the window: NORMAL / MAXIMIZED (WindowState) win.getState(); // Returns the current state of the window win.changeWindowState(window_state); // Sets the current window state: SHOWN / MINIMIZED / HIDDEN (WindowState) win.getWindowState(); // Returns the current window state win.normalSize(); // Normal-Sizes the window win.isNormalSized(); // Returns true, if the window is normal-sized, otherwise false win.maximize(); // Maximizes the window win.isMaximized(); // Returns true, if the window is maximized, otherwise false win.toggleMaximize(); // Toggles between normal size and maximized; // Shows the window win.isShown(); // Returns true, if the window is shown, otherwise false win.minimize(); // Minimizes the window win.isMinimized(); // Returns true, if the window is minimized, otherwise false win.hide(); // Hides the window win.isHidden(); // Returns true, if the window is hidden, otherwise false win.isVisible(); // Returns true, if the window is not minimized and not hidden, otherwise false win.isSelected(); // Returns true, if the window is selected win.getSize(); // Returns the size of the window in pixels win.getPosition(); // Returns the offset position of the top left corner to the parent element win.on(event, callback); // Sets the eventlistener of the event, if the callback is specified; // if only the event is set, it returns the callback-function; if that is not // set, it returns a empty function (string, function) win.removeOn(event); // Removes the eventlistener for the event, if set win.reset(); // Resets the appearence of the window (shows it and sets its size to normal) win.close(); // Closes the window (and disposes it, if not defined otherwise) win.dispose(); // Disposes the window, meaning it is removed from the dom (can be re-created // with win.reload())


Window.count // static integer, that contains the number of instanciated windows so far Window.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE // static variable, to set the close action (disposes the window) Window.HIDE_ON_CLOSE // static variable, to set the close action (only hides the window) Window.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE // static variable, to set the close action (doesn't hide the window) Window.DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY // static int, that determins how many ms the user have for the double // click (default: 300) win.content // DOM-Object, that represents the content of the window (edit this!)


A collection of states, a window can have. Can’t be instanciated.


WindowState.NORMAL WindowState.MAXIMIZED WindowState.MINIMIZED WindowState.SHOWN WindowState.HIDDE


A collection of methods. Can’t be instanciated.


WindowUtil.getProperty(opt, o, def); // Returns the value of 'o' in the array/object opt, if it is set; // else it returns def (object, string, object)


It is possible to attach a event to a window: window.on(event, callback);

Event Callback-Parameter(s) Definition
change_title {old_title, new_title} Is triggered, when the title is changed
reload Is triggered, when the reload function is invoked
resize_start e[MouseDownEvent] Is triggered, when one resize-handle is clicked
resize_stop e[MouseUpEvent] Is triggered, when the resize-handle is released
resize e[MouseMoveEvent] Is triggered, when the window is resized
move_start e[MouseDownEvent] Is triggered, when the top bar is clicked once
move_stop e[MouseUpEvent] Is triggered, when the top bar is released
move e[MouseMoveEvent] Is triggered, when the window is moved
change_state {old_state, new_state} Is triggered, when the state is changed
change_window_state {old_window_state, new_window_state} Is triggered, when the window state is changed
update_size {old_size, new_size} Is triggered, when the window size changes
update_selected Is triggered, when the window selection changes
select Is triggered, when the window is selected
deselect Is triggered, when the window is deselected
minimize Is triggered, when the window is minimized
normalSize Is triggered, when the window is normal-sized
maximize Is triggered, when the window is maximized
hide Is triggered, when the window is hidden
show Is triggered, when the window is shown
update_position {old_position, new_position} Is triggered, when the window position changes
reset Is triggered, when the reset function is invoked
closing Is triggered, before the window is closed; if the callback return false, the window is not closed
closed Is triggered, when the window is closed
disposing Is triggered, before the window is disposing; if the callback return false, the window is not disposed
disposed Is triggered, when the window is disposed
init Is triggered, when the window is initialized for the first time
maximizing Is triggered, before the window is maximized; if the callback returns false, the window is not maximized
minimizing Is triggered, before the window is minimized; if the callback return false, the window is not minimized


Option Values Definition
icon [string] Sets the icon of the window (top-left)
minimize_icon [string] Sets the minimize icon
maximize_icon [string] Sets the icon, that is displayed, when the window is not maximized
normalsize_icon [string] Sets the icon, that is displayed, when the window is maximized
close_icon [string] Sets the close icon
size {width: [int], height: [int]} Sets the size of the window (def: {width: 200, height: 150})
position {x: [int], y: [int]} Sets the position, relative to the parent (def: center of the parent)
selected true/false Defines, whether it is selected or not (styled differently) (def: false)
min_size {width: [int], height: [int]} Sets the minimum size, the window can have (def: {width: 200, height: 150})
max_size {width: [int], height: [int]} Sets the maximum size, the window can have (def: {})
events {[string]: [function], […]} Sets the events for the window (if a event is set before, it gets overwritten)
bar_visible true/false Defines, whether the top bar (with title, …) is visible or not (def: true)
resizable true/false Defines, whether the window is resizable or not (def: true)
movable true/false Defines, whether the window is movable or not (def: true)
maximizable true/false Defines, whether the window is maximizable or not (def: true)
minimizable true/false Defines, whether the window is minimizable or not (def: true)
always_on_top true/false Sets, if the window is always in front of the other windows (def: false)
container [DOM-Object] If this is set, the parent of the window is set to that (def: document.body)
window_state [WindowState] Sets the state of the window: SHOWN, MINIMIZED, HIDDEN (def: SHOWN)
close_action Window.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE Window.HIDE_ON_CLOSE Window.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE Defines, what happens, when the window is beeing closed (def: Window.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)



var win = new Window("Title", { state: WindowState.NORMAL, size: { width: 500, height: 250 }, selected: true, }); = "5px"; = "justify"; win.content.innerHTML = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [...]';

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