ARTICLE ADHello again everyone, today is the eighth day of my zero to 100k challenge in bugbounty without knowledge in one year. Today’s topic to be studied was web application layout in which web application infrastructure, web application components and web application architecture were discussed at the beginning of the module. The web app infrastructure describes the structure of required components, such as the database, needed for the web application to function as intended. Since the web application can be set up to run on a separate server, it is essential to know which database server it needs to access.The components that make up a web application represent all the components that the web application interacts with and the architecture comprises all the relationships between the various web applications components, It was also discussed that several different setups called models can be used in the infrastructure of web applications. The most common are -> client-server, one server, many servers — one database, many servers — many databases. Today I didn’t have time to study much because of the work, but what I saw was seen with great attention, seeking to have a better understanding so that in a few days we can start hunting the bugs we dreamed of.
Study time 2h