# POC CVE-2022-21877
This repository contains a POC for the CVE-2022-21877, found by Quang Linh, working at STAR Labs. This is an information leak found inside the spaceport.sys driver.
An accompying blogpost can be found at this adress.
## Using it
To build the POC, simply run ``.\build``.
To run it, you need a pool on your machine that can get a Tier. In my tests, this means having at least two storage pools, the primordial one and one another. All of this because the primordial pool cannot have a Tier attached.
To get the necessary configuration, you can set up 5 virtuals disks on a virtual machine. The first three will be used automatically as the primordial pool by Microsoft. You can then create the second pool with the following command, as an administrator:
New-StoragePool -FriendlyName Pool2 -StorageSubsystemFriendlyName "Windows Storage*" -PhysicalDisks (Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $True)
Once all set, launch the POC as an administrator by providing it the "FriendlyName" of the usable pool (for example the one you just created).
## Results of this POC
Due to all the limitations to trigger the vulnerability (the storage pools configuration and being admin), i did not bother to actually get anything meaningful from it.