File-Unpumper - Tool That Can Be Used To Trim Useless Things From A PE File Such As The Things A File Pumper Would Add

4 months ago 146

file-unpumper is a powerful command-line utility designed to clean and analyze Portable Executable (PE) files. It provides a range of features to help developers and security professionals work with PE files more effectively.


PE Header Fixing: file-unpumper can fix and align the PE headers of a given executable file. This is particularly useful for resolving issues caused by packers or obfuscators that modify the headers.

Resource Extraction: The tool can extract embedded resources from a PE file, such as icons, bitmaps, or other data resources. This can be helpful for reverse engineering or analyzing the contents of an executable.

Metadata Analysis: file-unpumper provides a comprehensive analysis of the PE file's metadata, including information about the machine architecture, number of sections, timestamp, subsystem, image base, and section details.

File Cleaning: The core functionality of file-unpumper is to remove any "pumped" or padded data from a PE file, resulting in a cleaned version of the executable. This can aid in malware analysis, reverse engineering, or simply reducing the file size.

Parallel Processing: To ensure efficient performance, file-unpumper leverages the power of parallel processing using the rayon crate, allowing it to handle large files with ease.

Progress Tracking: During the file cleaning process, a progress bar is displayed, providing a visual indication of the operation's progress and estimated time remaining.


file-unpumper is written in Rust and can be easily installed using the Cargo package manager:

cargo install file-unpumper


<INPUT>: The path to the input PE file.


--fix-headers: Fix and align the PE headers of the input file. --extract-resources: Extract embedded resources from the input file. --analyze-metadata: Analyze and display the PE file's metadata. -h, --help: Print help information. -V, --version: Print version information.


Clean a PE file and remove any "pumped" data:

bash file-unpumper path/to/input.exe

Fix the PE headers and analyze the metadata of a file:

bash file-unpumper --fix-headers --analyze-metadata path/to/input.exe

Extract resources from a PE file:

bash file-unpumper --extract-resources path/to/input.exe

Perform all available operations on a file:

bash file-unpumper --fix-headers --extract-resources --analyze-metadata path/to/input.exe


Contributions to file-unpumper are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


The latest changelogs can be found in


file-unpumper is released under the MIT License.

File-Unpumper - Tool That Can Be Used To Trim Useless Things From A PE File Such As The Things A File Pumper Would Add File-Unpumper - Tool That Can Be Used To Trim Useless Things From A PE File Such As The Things A File Pumper Would Add Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

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