How Cyber Security Is Influencing The Mobile Web Design Industry

4 years ago 111

Most of us spend a lot of time surfing the Internet for work, studying, or just relaxing after a long day. As of 2019, about 52.6% of global website traffic belonged to smartphones.

While scrolling through all the information on your mobile phone is quite convenient, it may be equally unsafe. Unfortunately, cybercrimes are more common than you may think. As per the Annual Crime Survey by Gallup in 2018, one in every four Americans has suffered from cybercrime in their life.   

Whether you like it or not, whenever you visit the World Wide Web, you leave an imprint behind. This may be the cookies that the site stores, or the personal information that you enter in forms and surveys.

The data stored on the websites may be at risk if security measures aren’t taken during the website design process. This makes the website vulnerable to hackers who can easily hack the users’ personal information for their gain. Moreover, an unsafe website may spread malware and send spam.

So is there a way that stringent cyber security gets integrated into mobile web design?

You may scroll through a website on your phone without giving it a second thought; however, A LOT of work goes into making sure the website design offers convenience, comfort, and excellent user experience. Moreover, with the vast amount of cyber threats lurking around, the website design must also incorporate protection and functionality.

For a mobile website design that is integrated with stringent cyber security measures, a close partnership between the web development team and the web design team is necessary. If cyber security is to be integrated into the website’s very design, both of the previously-mentioned teams would have to work together to provide a safe user experience and a personalized one.

How can web design include cyber security? Let’s find out!

Integrating Cyber Security In Mobile Website Design

Various steps must go into the integration process of a secure website design. These include: 

Preventive Measures

In addition to having ways of fixing data breaches, web developers and designers need to prevent data breaches. The website needs to have a privacy policy as well as security at the basic levels of development and design. When the approach is pre-emptive to secure user information as they visit the website, website owners may avoid security threats in the future.

Security In Saving And Deleting Information

After the web design and development, security must be provided in the places where the website stores and deletes user data. A website creator must ensure that all the data they collect from their users is protected and secure.

Transparency In Data Collection

Transparency is a crucial aspect of data collection. Users have a right to know why a website is collecting their information, what they’ll be doing with that information, and how data collection affects their experience on the site.

Moreover, website creators must communicate the standards of data privacy on the website. Nowadays, users have become quite informed, and usually trust a website that clearly communicates their standards and is transparent in their actions. Otherwise, people are quick to call out shady actions. A secure and trustworthy web design then must contain user notices on its website.

Privacy Concerns

Website owners have to make sure that they only collect data that is necessary. Moreover, there needs to be no storing, using, or disclosing of users’ data without their consent. Website owners also have a huge responsibility to protect their users’ data without having them worried about the privacy of their data when visiting a site.

A User-Centric Experience

Website designers have to put a lot of focus on making the website user-centric. This allows website users to easily navigate through the website and find everything they are looking for with ease. Moreover, they ought to be able to provide their information and remove it from the website whenever they desire.

Work With A Security Partner

By working with a security partner, you get to have a security seal on your site. This gives your users an indication that your website is safe. It helps in creating trust and rapport with your users.

Even though a trust seal is an indicator of trust, it isn’t enough. Mentioning your business’s contact information also comes in handy in regard to trust. Ideally, a website that is safe will mention the email address, physical address, and contact information of the business or organization.

Moreover, if they are on social media, they should also provide a link to their social media handles. These do not necessarily protect the site, but let the users know that they can reach out to someone if they need assistance.

A Final Word

Cyber security is a crucial aspect while scrolling through the Internet on your phone. These days, mobile web design is created in such a way that it promotes cyber security. For a secure and protected website, both web designers and developers need to work together to have a balance between data protection and user-friendliness.

Designers and developers take preventive measures for security, offer security to users as they input and delete their data, provide transparency in data collection, take user consent if they are storing or sharing data, provide a user-centric experience, and work with a security partner to offer security measures in your site. All of these measures would not have been possible if it weren’t the need for mobile websites to be safe and secure.

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