How i Almost got 2K$ through a Race condition

2 weeks ago 19

the target today is an eLearning website that allows teachers to create classes / add students and create tests for them, we will focus on user role management functionalities.

each class has 6 levels :

0 -> the user asked to join the class and pending admin’s approval

1 -> the user is a normal user in the class

3 -> the user is admin user in the class

-1 -> the user is rejected from joining the class

-2 -> the user is removed from the group (can still be restored by an admin)

-3 -> the user is permanently removed and can only join again by invitation or asking to join

a user can join the class either by requesting to join or by an invitation

now once i saw this feature i tried numerous attack scenarios including access controls, privilege escalations and Logic bugs but non of them worked and all lead to this message

this website was pretty secure

now i have spent 1–2 weeks on this program to come out empty handed so i had to think creatively.

now i have just finished my second rewatch of James Kettle’s smashing the state machine where he talked about Race condition in depth and what is there true potential.

i loved his Idea on multi-endpoint race condition and i have always wanted to implement them in one of my findings

so i thought of ways to use this technique in this target and then this idea came to my mind,

First you have to understand two things :

when the user requests to join the class / get’s invited into the class his user_id is set to 0your user_id has to be set to 3 for you to be able to perform admin actions ( like adding and removing users in the class )

when an admin accepts / change a user’s role this is what the request looks like

so my idea was :

when requesting to join the class ( setting your id to 0 ) their has to be a slight Race window where you are connected to this class but your user_id is not yet set, allowing us to perform admin actions, right ?

i tried explaining the scenario through this illustration

so i grouped both the requesting to join a class request and making my self admin in that class both in a group in the repeater

updating the user request
Escalating my user to admin
Joining the class request

then i Sent both requests in the same packet ( single packet attack ) and BOOM !! i am now an admin user in that class !

this looks like a p2, right ?

unforntualy not everything has a happy ending as this finding was pretty inconsistent ( out of 10 classes i tried this in only 4 were successful)

and once the attacker tried the attack on one class he can’t try it again as his user id is already set to 0 in that class

so this was closed as low severity and the program doesn’t reward bounties on those :D ( i think they scammed me there but we say الحمد لله علي كل حال)

i didn’t give up though and found 6 findings in their android application :D

but my main source of happiness was that i finally found a valid bug through multi-endpoint race condition even though it’s severity wasn’t that high

the main getaway from this target was to always spend more time on the application as the more time you spend fiddling around with functions the better you understand the application and think of more creative ways to exploit it

that's all for today, until we meet again.

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