How to become a successful bug bounty hunter in 2023

11 months ago 55

Harthik Kumar

Bug 🪲 Bounty

To become a successful bug bounty hunter in 2023, follow these steps:

1. Learn and master various programming languages, including those commonly used in web development and cybersecurity.
2. Gain a deep understanding of common vulnerabilities and attack vectors, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and remote code execution.
3. Stay up-to-date with the latest security news and trends through online resources, forums, and communities.
4. Acquire hands-on experience by participating in bug bounty programs and CTF (Capture the Flag) competitions.
5. Develop strong communication and reporting skills to effectively convey discovered vulnerabilities to program owners.
6. Build a personal brand by creating a portfolio of successful bug reports and collaborating with other security researchers.
7. Engage in continuous learning and improvement, keeping pace with evolving technologies and emerging threats.
8. Network with other professionals in the cybersecurity industry to gain insights, mentorship, and potential job opportunities.
9. Maintain a professional and ethical approach, following responsible disclosure practices and respecting program guidelines.
10. Demonstrate persistence, patience, and a passion for cybersecurity, as success in bug hunting often requires dedication and perseverance.

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