How To Click Screenshots on the iPhone and iPad

4 years ago 119
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You found an amazing piece of article where a particular paragraph has drawn your attention and you want to refer it to your friends so that they can also enjoy or you have this image on the screen of your iPhone which you want to photocopy then take the help of screenshots. It will assist you in getting the exact picture that you have on the screen. Sometimes when we are chatting with somebody and want to keep the chat as the evidence that the communication took place then screenshot is the best thing to do. It will record the whole situation. Similarly, if you have multiple screens opened up on your screen and want to use reference from each screen, then take the screenshot as it will be of great assistance when you are illustrating the point because you will have the reference point all displayed on one screen and you won’t have to swipe between screens to prove your point.

How-To-Click-Screenshots-on-the-iPhone-and-iPadNo third party app involved

During the initial years the screenshots were made possible through third party apps or through the camera. You have to either visit an Apple store or download some app so that you can take the screenshot of the items that you have on your iPhone screen. Some users even used the camera for that instance to capture the images on the screen, but as technology progressed the newer version of iOS included the screenshot feature in it but that was not so popular. Now when we are using more of Smartphones and less of desktop or laptop, therefore the users are exploring the features that are there is their Smartphones so that they can make the most of it.

Steps involved in taking the screenshots on iPhone or iPad

In order to take the screenshots you have to select an image first and then follow the steps mentioned below –

–          You will have to look for the Sleep / wake button which is generally found on the right hand top of iPad. This is the on or off button on your device.

–          Now look for the home button that you will find on the device

–          Press the Sleep or Wake button and while you are still holding on to it click on the home button

–          If you have done it correctly, then you will hear the shutter sound and the screen will be turned white too

–          In order to make sure that you have got the screenshot correctly what you can do is go to photos on your home screen and the first thing that will appear in there is the camera roll

–          If you have captured the screenshot properly, then you will find it present in the bottom of the camera roll

You can get it done in the same way on your iPod or iPhone too, and if you want to get it on your PC, then you have to sync it properly with the help of USB cord and get the screenshot in there by downloading it from the iTunes.

Article by

Aakash Agarwal is the author of moretricks. He is an avid blogger and loves to write on themes and the latest gadgets. He is a fun loving person. He enjoys partying, sports, and reading novels. You can catch him on Google+.

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