How to use solium (Ethlint) to audit smart contracts

1 year ago 82

Ethlint (formerly solium) is a tool that analyze your smart contract for style and security issues.

It can be installed easily with npm:

# npm install -g ethlint

Once installed, we can initialize a project in the current directory like this:

$ solium -i

This will create .soliumrc.json and .soliumignore files under the current directory.

By default, solium has the following configuration:

$ cat .soliumrc.json
"extends": "solium:recommended",
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"quotes": [
"indentation": [
"linebreak-style": [

Now we can run solium on our contract:

$ solium -f blind-auction.sol blind-auction.sol
28:19 error Syntax error: unexpected token (
✖ 1 error found.

WARNING: It seems not to work very well with pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

$ head -2 blind-auction.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

Advanced usage:

$ solium --help
Usage: solium [options] <keyword>
Linter to find & fix style and security issues in Solidity smart contracts.Options:
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --init Create default rule configuration files
-f, --file [filepath::String] Solidity file to lint
-d, --dir [dirpath::String] Directory containing Solidity files to lint
-R, --reporter [name::String] Format to report lint issues in (pretty | gcc) (default: "pretty")
-c, --config [filepath::String] Path to the .soliumrc configuration file
-, --stdin Read input file from stdin
--fix Fix Lint issues where possible
--fix-dry-run Output fix diff without applying it
--debug Display debug information
--watch Watch for file changes
--hot (Deprecated) Same as --watch
--no-soliumignore Do not look for .soliumignore file
--no-soliumrc Do not look for soliumrc configuration file
--rule [rule] Rule to execute. This overrides the specified rule's configuration in soliumrc if present (default: [])
--plugin [plugin] Plugin to execute. This overrides the specified plugin's configuration in soliumrc if present (default: [])
-h, --help output usage information
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