How to use the Android phone to connect internet on Laptop or PC using WiFi Hotspot

4 years ago 142
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If you are using your Smartphone for browsing then you know how difficult it becomes sometimes to browse through the pages of any websites because they are not responsive enough. Even when you are trying to watch a movie on your Android phone, then also the 5 inch screen seems to be too small to enjoy the action. So, what can you do now? There are many Smartphones in the market nowadays that can be easily used as Wi-Fi hotspots, allowing you to share the data plan that you have on your Android with other devices including your laptop or PC. It has the ability to share the internet connection wirelessly with as many as 5 devices. Therefore, it is powerful enough to provide you with the data connection for your work on your PC.

How-to-use-the-Android-phone-to-connect-internet-on-Laptop-or-PC-using-WiFi-HotspotTethering or Wi-Fi hotspot: which one favorable!

The users found out ways about how to use their data plan on their laptop or PC through ways of tethering. In order to carry out the process of tethering you will have to make sure that you have USB cable or Bluetooth but with new age Smartphones you wouldn’t even require any external attachments instead they can make use of Wi-Fi hotspot that is portable. No app needs to be installed on your PC or laptop in order to get access to the internet. The only thing is that when you are using the inbuilt portable Wi-Fi hotspot then the carrier might charge you extra but then again, even when you are tethering then also you are getting charged extra so as a whole there is no such difference as far as cost is concerned.

Procedure to use Android as Wi-FI hotspot

Here we will be explaining how you can use the Wi-Fi Hotspot on your Smartphone or for that matter on your tablet. First of all make sure that you have turned on, your portable Android Wi-Fi Hotspot and then just follow the steps given below and you will be able to use the data plan of your Smartphone on your laptop –

Press the Menu button and there you will find the Settings icon so click on it and you will be in the settings screenIn the Settings screen you have to choose the Wireless & NetworksOnce in there you will see the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot, you have to check the box beside Wi-Fi hotspot. As soon as you do that your phone will turn into a wireless hotspot from where people can access internet connection.In order to make some settings adjustment you have to select the portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings where you will get the default password that will be required to connect to various other devicesIf you want, you can also alter the default password, router name, security level and if required, you can also manage all the users who are connected wirelessly to your Smartphone deviceNow the wireless network available will be shown on your laptop or PC when you will try to connect to Wi-Fi hotspotNow connect to the network through the password

One thing that should be kept in mind when not using the Wi-Fi feature then make sure you turn off the option otherwise your battery will die out in no time.

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Aakash Agarwal is the author of moretricks. He is an avid blogger and loves to write on themes and the latest gadgets. He is a fun loving person. He enjoys partying, sports, and reading novels. You can catch him on Google+.

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