How to use Windows 8 on android or iOS using remote desktop

4 years ago 158

Microsoft has introduced a remote desktop for Android and iOS version, so that the Smartphone users can easily access Windows 8 from your device only if they have at home Windows 8 on their PC. The new version of Windows 8 is much more optimized than the earlier version. Touch screen is included in this version which means it is the same as that of the new age Smartphones. The remote access is a great thing to have as even if you forget some file on your desktop at home, then you will easily fetch the file with the help of your Smartphone. Setting this up is really easy. There are several steps involved here, but you will be able to do that.

How-to-use-Windows-8-on-android-or-iOS-using-remote-desktopBefore you start the process make sure that you have Windows 8 Pro and not just Windows 8. If you do not have the Windows 8 Pro then you can easily have that by paying $99. Windows 8Pro can be checked by –

–          Bringing up the charms menu by pulling the screen from the right with your finger

–          Now tap the icon of settings and then the PC Info

–          It will be mentioned under Windows whether it is a 8.1 or Pro

The set up procedure explained

It is a long procedure so it will take up some time, therefore it is advised that don’t do this in haste.

–          Pull up the charms menu again and click on Search where you have to enter the System

–          Click on the blue monitor that appears

–          You will get another window where you have to select remote settings

–          Now in the remote tab you will have to select Allow remote connections to this computer and click Apply.

After all these steps you have to make sure that the system does not go to sleep or hibernate so in order to keep your system running here is what you have to do

–          Bring the charms menu and select search, then type power options

–          Now click on Power options, then on balanced plan click change plan settings

–          You have to make sure that you choose Never where it says Put the computer to sleep

Now you have to figure out the IP address so follow the steps –

–          Pull the charms menu and click on search

–          Now type in cmd and once you hit enter, it will open a command prompt

–          Enter ipconfig in there and press enter

–          Your IP address will be just beside IPv4 address. It will be some numbers with dots in between

Finally, you are ready to set up remote desktop app of Microsoft –

–          Go to Play Store or App store

–          From there install Remote desktop of Microsoft and open it

–          Add new computer by tapping in the plus sign and name the computer you are connecting to

–          Here enter the IP address that you noted

–          It will ask you for the username, enter the Microsoft credentials

–          Now save it by checking it

Now it’s the time for PC connection and for that, follow these steps –

–          Get connected to Wi-Fi

–          Go to a remote desktop app on your Smartphone

–          Select the computer that you named earlier

–          You have to check the trust always for the certificate option

You are all set to enjoy the remote access from your Smartphone only.

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