ARTICLE ADIf you find yourself troubleshooting network issues, and you have to inspect individual packets, you need to use Wireshark. Wireshark is the de facto, go-to, you-need-to-know-how-to-use, application to capture and investigate network traffic.
And because Wireshark is the predominant tool for this job, let’s go over some application basics, such as where you can download Wireshark, how to capture network packets, how to use filters, and more.
What is Wireshark?When should Wireshark be used?How to download WiresharkData packets on WiresharkWireshark filtersAdditional Wireshark featuresWireshark resourcesWireshark is an open-source network protocol analysis software program, widely considered the industry standard. A global organization of network specialists and software developers supports Wireshark and continues to make updates for new network technologies and encryption methods.
Government agencies, corporations, non-profits, and educational institutions use Wireshark for troubleshooting and teaching purposes. There truly isn’t a better way to learn low-level…