How We Can Check Configuration of Cryptographic Standard Algorithms & Random Number Generation…

1 month ago 32


Identify all the instances of the cryptographic primitives in code. Identify all custom cryptography implementations. You can look for:

classes Cipher, Mac, MessageDigest, Signatureinterfaces Key, PrivateKey, PublicKey, SecretKeyfunctions getInstance, generateKeyexceptions KeyStoreException, CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmExceptionclasses which uses*, javax.crypto.*,* and* packages.

Identify that all calls to getInstance use default provider of security services by not specifying it (it means AndroidOpenSSL aka Conscrypt). Provider can only be specified in KeyStore related code (in that situation KeyStore should be provided as provider). If other provider is specified it should be verified according to situation and business case (i.e. Android API version), and provider should be examined against potential vulnerabilities.

You can use method tracing on cryptographic methods to determine input / output values such as the keys that are being used. Monitor file system access while cryptographic operations are being performed to assess where key material is written to or read from.

Identify all the instances of random number generators and look for either custom or well-known insecure classes. For instance, java.util.Random produces an identical sequence of numbers for each given seed value; consequently, the sequence of numbers is predictable. Instead a well-vetted algorithm should be chosen that is currently considered to be strong by experts in the field, and a well-tested implementations with adequate length seeds should be used.

Identify all instances of SecureRandom that are not created using the default constructor. Specifying the seed value may reduce randomness. Prefer the no-argument constructor of SecureRandom that uses the system-specified seed value to generate a 128-byte-long random number.

In general, if a PRNG is not advertised as being cryptographically secure (e.g. java.util.Random), then it is probably a statistical PRNG and should not be used in security-sensitive contexts. Pseudo-random number generators can produce predictable numbers ↗ if the generator is known and the seed can be guessed. A 128-bit seed is a good starting point for producing a "random enough" number.

Once an attacker knows what type of weak pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is used, it can be trivial to write a proof-of-concept to generate the next random value based on previously observed ones, as it was done for Java Random ↗. In case of very weak custom random generators it may be possible to observe the pattern statistically. Although the recommended approach would anyway be to decompile the APK and inspect the algorithm (see Static Analysis).

If you want to test for randomness, you can try to capture a large set of numbers and check with the Burp’s sequencer ↗ to see how good the quality of the randomness is.

You can use method tracing on the mentioned classes and methods to determine input / output values being used.

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