How Website Work

3 hours ago 3

Joshua Suksakorn

Client view the website, Client web browser connect to the server for request the information, Server will send the information back to client browser and a website consists of two main parts: Front End(Client-Side) and Back End(Server-Side).

Putting It All Together

Request website in your browser.Find web server IP address with DNS.Connect to webserver.View website.

Other Components

Load Balancers: help websites and apps handle a lot of traffic without crashing.CDN(Content Delivery Networks): make websites load faster by delivering content from servers that are close to the user.Databases: store and manage all the information on a website.WAF(Web Application Firewalls): protect websites from hackers and other online threats.

Introduction to DNS

DNS (Domain Name System): Convert an IP Address( into the name of a website, such as To make it easier to use the website.

Domain Hierarchy

Top-Level Domain: is the rightmost part of the domain name, such as .com and .orgSecond-Level Domain: is the predecessor to a TLD, such as tryhackme.Subdomain: is an extension before SLD, such as

Record Types

DNS: Convert domain name to address(IP Address) that computer can understand.A: Locate that domain name on the internet (IPv4).AAAA: Same A but use with (IPv6).CNAME: Point one domain name to another domain name.MX: Tells which server handles email for that domain. and have priority It ensures that emails are forwarded even if the main server is down.TXT: Text fields where data can be entered It helps verify correct email server identity and verify domain ownership for online services.


Disclaimer: All of these examples are from DNS in Detail room.Question 1: What is the CNAME of
$ nslookup --type=CNAME
# canonical name =
Answer 1:
Question 2: What i the value of the TXT record of website.thm?
$ nslookup --type=TXT website.thm
# website.thm text = "THM{7012BBA60997F35A9516C2E16D2944FF}"
Answer 2: THM{7012BBA60997F35A9516C2E16D2944FF}
Question 3: What is the numerical priority value for the MX record?
$ nslookup --type=MX website.thm
# website.thm mail exchanger = 30
Answer 3: 30
Question 4: What is the IP address for the A record of
$ nslookup --type=A
# Name:
# Address:
Answer 4:

Introduction to HTTP

Disclaimer: All of these http topic I learn from HTTP in Detail room.HTTP: A protocol used to communicate between a computer and a web server to transmit web page information.HTTPS: Secure version of HTTP HTTPS is encrypted. Make other people unable to see the data being sent.

Requests and Responses

Example URL: ``
`http://`: protocal
`sub`: subdomain
`domain`: domain name
`.com`: TLD(Top-Level Domain)
`/blog/artical/earch`: path of content
`?id=42`: parameter
Request: To request basic information from the web server use GET/HTTP/1.1 and if additional information must be sent use headers.`GET / HTTP/1.1`: request the server to end back the home page.
`Host:`: tell server that we want to access to
`Uer-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/87.0`: tell server that we use firefox version 87.0
`Referer:`: tell the server what page we came from previously.
# HTTP requests often end with a blank line. to notify that the request has been completed.
Response: The server’s answer to our request. Allows us to see various website pages.`HTTP/1.1 200 OK`: HTTP protocal version 1.1 and status code of the request is sucessful.
`Server: nginx/1.15.8`: specify the name and version of the web server.
`Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2021 13:34:03 GMT`: specify date and time that server response back.
`Content-Type: text/html`: specify type of data that response back.
`Content-Length: 98`: specify the total number of characters of the data returned.
Welcome To

HTTP Methods

The commands we use tell the server what we want the server to do with the data on the website.GET: Use for get data from web server.POST: Use for send the data into web server.PUT: Use for update data on the web server.DELETE: Use for delete data from web server.

HTTP Status Code

Code that server response back to the web browser for tell the result of request the information.200 OK: The request has succeeded.201 Created: A new resource (like a new user or post) has been successfully created.301 Moved Permanently: This tells the browser to permanently redirect to a new URL.302 Found: This tells the browser to temporarily redirect to a new URL.400 Bad Request: The request was malformed or missing necessary information.401 Unauthorized: Authentication is required to access the resource.403 Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access the resource.405 Method Not Allowed: The request method used is not supported for the requested resource.500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.503 Service Unavailable: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or maintenance.


Additional information sent to the web server when making a request.


They are small data files that are sent to your device (e.g. computer, smartphone) by a website.Its main duty is Remember your usage information So that the website can adjust its content and services to better suit your needs.- Example:
- Cookies store a token, which is a secret code that cannot be easily guessed.
- When you log in The web server sends the token in a cookie.
- When you return to the website again. You will send the token back to the web server to verify and verify your identity.

Making requests

example 1: Make 'GET' request to '/room'
url: GET
example 2: Make a 'GET' request to '/blog' and set the id parameter to 1 in the URL field
url: GET Parameter id=1
example 3: Make a 'DELETE' request to '/user/1'
curl -X DELETE
example 4: Make a 'PUT' request to '/user/2' with the username parameter set to admin
curl -X PUT -d 'username=admin'
url: PUT Parameter username=admin
example 5: 'POST' the username of thm and a password of letmein to '/login'
curl -X POST -d "username=thm&password=letmein"
url: POST Parameter username=thm password=letmein
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