I Want YOU, Hacker To Read This story…

15 hours ago 3

I’m glad You are here, Hacker. You won’t regret this, I promise…


I want You, Hacker

The main questions…

Have You ever dreamt of Being a Hacker, like John Hammond, Network Chuck, Or NnFace if You like to read my stories?Have You ever dreamt of being supported during Your workHave You ever dreamt of being famous Hacker, that can afford life by his passionHave You ever dreamt of great start?And have You ever dreamt of participate in this project?


№1 The Main Problem

You can’t life a big life only consuming, consuming, You are non-stop consuming something, why not start creating AND do not start regretting Yourself.

Failure in project is not a sin, it’s a blessing

Laziness is a sin and bring with this much regret.

But now I am starting with something Bigger and the biggest of My project, and I need someone like You…

You do not have to pay anything, and You won’t beYou do not have to sign anything, and You won’t beYou do not even have to putting anything except Your workYou have chance to make Your name, You give Me the chance and I give You back in the Same moment!

№2 Okay, let me introcude My project

My name is NnFace, I current have about 110 followers including Medium + YouTube and I am still putting My hearth and a lot of hard work in this…

Today when You are reading this it’s my 18'th Birthday 🥳

I worked on “NnFace” around 2 Years.


№3 I Need You, Hacker

And I am about to project something with You, Hacker. I am about to create firstly a publication and then a community, to make this whole Hacking World more strong, and better, all with You, Hacker, build a Fame-Name for Ourselves in the same moment…

I need writer like You, Awesome Hacker…

To share CyberSec storiesWrite about Bug BountyAbout HackingIT StuffWhatever Realted to These Topics


Can’t You really see the brilliance?

You are putting Your free time in building YOUR NAME IN THE HACKING STORY. Taking risk is minnimum of the minnimums, really?

Why minnimum?

№4 My Promise why I’ll do everything to never let You and this whole Project down…

Because, As soon as it’s started I promise to take care of the rest…

And prevent You and Me from failure as much as possible.

Promoting publication (My Medium account, YouTube account, My connections and other ways to do it, which I know exactly how to, trust Me, please)Writing name of the writers in bioStrong connecting with other Guys from teamI am guy of honor, faith and strong memory, I will remember any one who has started and put hearth with Me arm-in-arm…And I won’t forget any one if I ever created any board of the same community in a larger version. I promise

№5 Think about this…


“I know it must seem strange that one such as I should want to volunteer for a task as dangerous as this”

But I again Got You…

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

-Eminem, The greatest freestyler who became the one of the most famous Rapers of all the time

Can You see the link?

You are now during this 5 minutes standing Face-to-Face with opportunity of being ‘Someone’ in the Hacking World. With collaboration I really believe this might be fire and go high.. Think about this Two or Three, or even Ten Times….

Paying for subscription to create this on Medium, Promoting, Creating a website, Discord, Board of this project (Which I promise You will be included), These all… Ahh to be sure… Left this on My shoulders, Hacker….

There is no real after-regret in this, Hacker!

You are under God’s and My wing, Take no worries with You on Your work, and put whole hearth to the game…

№6 If You are interested?….

You have comment section if You want to write in Our project (I always write back)

You have My e-mail for something more than that (nnface@proton.me), which I read everyday

You have even My Twitter (Notifications are on)

When You wanna private contact to Me? (Feel free to ask)

I will find time for You…

№7 And Do Not Get Me Wrong!

Of Course I have an business in this same as You, I wanna create My name wider, Hacking Community Better, and I wanna be able to afford Myself In the future, and I wanna give You a chance to participate in this as a Guy, who is not only looking at Me, but rather give him a opportunity for building a Name, Earn for writing (Because You can earn on Medium as You might know), and even help him getting bigger, I am a Christian and I do not want to manipulate You, My promises are holy, and I won’t forgot what I have said. You are not only a machine for writing, and nothing else, but a participant, and I wanna revenge and apreciate You in as many ways as I could afford to. DO NOT FEEL IN OTHER WAY BY MY SPEECH

№8 I hope I spoke to you…

The “Last Hacker Battalion” is waiting for You, Hacker, Do not miss this opportunity….

I wait For Your comments if You wanna to write and participate in this Project, or ever go higher… Maybe Record? Write? Decision is on Your side…

Think about this twice, or more and Take Care, Hacker. Even if this will not high, I thank You all for Our story and helping Me that I can take risk to write this and can give You a chance to get revenge in this format…

May God Bless You, Hacker ❤️🙏

In touch…

-NnFace :*

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