ARTICLE ADMassDNS : a high-performance DNS stub resolver tool.
git clone
#massdns created. Move to this directory.
cd massdns
#Check if make is available on your system or not.
#Install the tool using the make, use the following command.
sudo make install
# Check/Usage:
massdns -h
Usage: massdns [options] [domainlist]
-b --bindto Bind to IP address and port. (Default:
--busy-poll Use busy-wait polling instead of epoll.
-c --resolve-count Number of resolves for a name before giving up. (Default: 50)
--drop-group Group to drop privileges to when running as root. (Default: nogroup)
--drop-user User to drop privileges to when running as root. (Default: nobody)
--extended-input Input names are followed by a space-separated list of resolvers.
These are used before falling back to the resolvers file.
--filter Only output packets with the specified response code.
--flush Flush the output file whenever a response was received.
-h --help Show this help.
--ignore Do not output packets with the specified response code.
-i --interval Interval in milliseconds to wait between multiple resolves of the same
domain. (Default: 500)
-l --error-log Error log file path. (Default: /dev/stderr)
--norecurse Use non-recursive queries. Useful for DNS cache snooping.
-o --output Flags for output formatting.
--predictable Use resolvers incrementally. Useful for resolver tests.
--processes Number of processes to be used for resolving. (Default: 1)
-q --quiet Quiet mode.
--rand-src-ipv6 Use a random IPv6 address from the specified subnet for each query.
--rcvbuf Size of the receive buffer in bytes.
--retry Unacceptable DNS response codes.
(Default: All codes but NOERROR or NXDOMAIN)
-r --resolvers Text file containing DNS resolvers.
--root Do not drop privileges when running as root. Not recommended.
-s --hashmap-size Number of concurrent lookups. (Default: 10000)
--sndbuf Size of the send buffer in bytes.
--status-format Format for real-time status updates, json or ansi (Default: ansi)
--sticky Do not switch the resolver when retrying.
--socket-count Socket count per process. (Default: 1)
-t --type Record type to be resolved. (Default: A)
--verify-ip Verify IP addresses of incoming replies.
-w --outfile Write to the specified output file instead of standard output.
Output flags:
L - domain list output
S - simple text output
F - full text output
B - binary output
J - ndjson output
Advanced flags for the domain list output mode:
0 - Include NOERROR replies without answers.
Advanced flags for the simple output mode:
d - Include records from the additional section.
i - Indent any reply record.
l - Separate replies using a line feed.
m - Only output reply records that match the question name.
n - Include records from the answer section.
q - Print the question.
r - Print the question with resolver IP address, Unix timestamp and return code prepended.
s - Separate packet sections using a line feed.
t - Include TTL and record class within the output.
u - Include records from the authority section.
Advanced flags for the ndjson output mode:
e - Write a record for each terminal query failure.