Internet Choke Points: Concentration of Authoritative Name Servers, (Tue, Aug 4th)

4 years ago 157

4. August 2020

Read the original article: Internet Choke Points: Concentration of Authoritative Name Servers, (Tue, Aug 4th)

A utopian vision of the Internet often describes it as a distributed partnership of equals giving everybody the ability to publish and discover information worldwide. This open, democratic Internet is often little more than an imaginary legacy construct that may have existed at some time in the distant past, if ever. Reality: Today, the Internet is governed by a few large entities. Diverse interconnectivity and content distribution were also supposed to make the Internet more robust. But as it has been shown over and over again, a simple misconfiguration at a single significant player will cause large parts of the network to disappear. xd;

Read the original article: Internet Choke Points: Concentration of Authoritative Name Servers, (Tue, Aug 4th)

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