Journey of a Script writer (Tool developer)

1 year ago 37

Hello guys,

Once again I welcome you all to my medium. This medium is all about my journey as a script writer or tools developer.

Let’s jump into Story 👉

Why did I get interested as a script writer?🤔

As a beginners,
We all take tools from gitHub or any other platforms. Those tools sometimes run perfectly, it’s good but sometimes it gives the wrong result. It killed my interest in the starting phase of my testing process. So at that time I started to think about my own scripts.

What programming language needs?

In this cyber security field we all need to know the programming language. At least one program we need to know or basic concepts. Nowadays all can hear about C, Java, Python in that all are familiar with python. In my scenario I am strong in basic concepts of programming languages. So, I can understand any program’s. Usually I use python and bash scripting languages. Both this languages are Scripting languages also.


Bourne Again Shell

Bash can be used to automate software development tasks such as code compilation, debugging source code, change management and software testing.

Command-line editingUnlimited size command history,Job control,Shell functions and aliases,Indexed arrays of unlimited size,Integer arithmetic in any base from two to sixty-four.
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