ARTICLE AD🍪From a simple cookie it became a benchmark and then an Accont takeover 😈
➡️For legal reasons, I will not reveal the website or the Bug Bounty program.
I found this vulnerability about a few months ago, it was a “simple” mistake that I managed to access the Admin panel of a very well-known site. And I have permission to publish this…
For those who don’t know, the JWT (JSON Web Token) is an authentication method widely used for authentication, formerly cookies (still used) but usually a JWT is more common, they can be accompanied (and should all be) with a signature that is signed by the server, and it is this signature that validates that the JWT is in fact valid
Normally a JWT comes encoded in base64…
eyJzdWIiOiAiMTIzNDU2Nzg5MCIsICJuYW1lIjogIkpvaG4gRG9lIiwgImVtYWlsIjogImpvaG5kb2VAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCAiYWRtaW4iOiB0cnVlLCAiaWF0IjogMTYwOTQ1OTIwMH0Decoded (from the example above):
{"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"admin": true,
"iat": 1609459200
You’re probably wondering what could be done… If someone changed something like that. But that’s where it gets complicated, because the server, as I said, checks by subscription.
Let’s get practical!
The question of the day is… Is it still possible for something as basic as a JWT to be vulnerable in 2024?
When you enter our domain, you usually get a “default” ID, such as guest or anonymous, which is to be expected…
No JWT comes, normal, we’re not logged in or anything that needs a JWT
But of course the server would start tagging us with something…
<script>var atlasCode = "eyJhIjo5NDk2LCJjIjo0NDQ3MzM2NCwibiI6MjEsInMiOjI0MSwiZSI6ODUzLCJwIjozfQ==";</script>This isn’t for authentication, it’s more to track where the user is, on which page, more like a tracker…
After I created an account, a cookie was set to validate that I am me because I am me.
Set-Cookie: MDH=%21eyJvX2dlbmRlciI6IkEiLCJpc0xvZ2dlZCI6Im4iLCJscGFnZWlkIjo3LCJra0lEIjo4OTg3NiwibGFuZyI6InVzIiwibGFuZCI6ImRlIiwiU0lEIjoiMCIsIkNPTiI6IjE0MTYwMTAwMCIsIkxPR0lOIjoiaiIsIk1ESF9VX0lEIjoiMTMwOTgyMDUxIiwibmljayI6ImhvaGt5dGVzdCIsImVtYWlsIjoiaG9oa3lAYnVnY3Jvd2RuaW5qYS5jb20iLCJnZW5kZXIiOiJNIiwiTE9HSU5USU1FIjoxNzI4OTA4MzY3fQ%3D%3D%24f46a10d0ab6db8eebcd4c7afac6a4d332be8b4bf;Let’s make it simple… 🥸
Using a tool from Burp Suite, I can visualize what’s in the JWT more clearly:
JWT DecodedI can’t just change a parameter like ‘u_id’ because that will change the JWT and the signature won’t be valid.
The signature is valid. If I don’t change it.
On the right-hand side, I have a few attacks to try out and a simple change like changing the nickname and the “u_id”…
I did an admin action with no real impact on the server or users, just on me, and it worked…
It’s my IDI apologize that the post was very illustrated and lacked technical details. 😪
I hope I’ve helped someone or reminded them that something simple is still valid!
🫠Changes to a JWT can make a difference, such as not adding an algorithm, as in this vulnerability.