Leaked SQL error leading to XSS, and another BSQLi...

3 months ago 71

Hello everyone, it would be unpolite of me not returning the favour to medium cyber security community which gives me so much knowledge, so here I am with this writeup of another interesting story of blind SQL injection and another bug in backend, OK, so about website where I found BSQLi-

while testing for some requests that any registered user has access to, I thought ‘let me be a bit more creative’, after, while playing with the password reset functionality, (which was working by sending link to the email) I understood that it’s not a one-time link, and another thing I noticed was the fact that the authentication-code/token was in url, so I imagined that the backend probably gets that token and makes SQL query to check if it’s active token than → proceeds function password reset.

And this time it was an easy win for me, all I needed, was to pass the url to sqlmap, but I don’t remember if I also used `-p` to mention the exact parameter, anyways passing it gave me injection found.

Second story about the problem in backend of some website. While testing, I thought of inserting emoji on the search query,( this technique is known as fuzzing, trying things to make application break or behave strange ) now, if I remember correct at first nothing happened, but after I inserted the emoji in url, like


After this I saw error page¹, than I quickly pressed Ctrl+U to view the source. After scrolling down a bit I saw

General error:…

yes it was leaked SQL error, now of what caused this, was that the collation was set to


and turns out the emojis aren’t included in this encoding range, instead they could’ve used


which wouldn’t have lead to error, but the next thing you question will be but why is the error visible?

Well sadly I am not familiar with yarn, I remember in leaked error there was yarn mentioned, yeah, but I am familiar with PHP and I think that it should also have something like `error_reporting(0);` which will not display errors, and this should always be done in real running applications to prevent information disclosure via errors.

Ok so what can I do with this? Well I couldn’t do pretty much anything 🙂

I saw the whole query being reflected in error message, but after trying several injection techniques to try breaking the quotes, I stopped, and I wasn’t intended to test it longer, for what I regret now.

But one thing only came to my mind was XSS, well nobody would html-escape the SQL select query in their back-end right 😀

And I inserted simple XSS injection after the emoji with script tags, -and also this was leading to ATO via cookies, as they weren’t httpOnly, my JS code could access them, +csrf to every request- to be more demonstraitive here payload.


There wasn’t even WAF so this payload worked just fine, but in next writeup I will tell how I bypassed the WAF for an XSS.

Happy hacking, I whish luck to everyone in their hacking journey, and I encourage everyone sharing their gained knowledge from hacking in here, so that we can learn from each others findings, ciao guys !

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I don’t remember if it was error page tho, or if everything showed up fine, but no I think it displayed error 404 page, maybe there wasn’t other custom error page for 500 internal server error ) so any other type of error was handled by error page 404.
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