ARTICLE ADHello everyone, from now on, I will be changing the posting time to weekly so that the subject does not become too repetitive.
So let’s get to the point, today I decided to change the studies a little, as I have already seen a large part of the web programming base, requests, how web applications work, which will probably be the subject of the next article. Today the subject addressed as it is in the title. I will be putting everything here about what I found and researched about the Idor vulnerability, obviously it will be for members only because it is an article of utmost importance for people starting out in Bug Hunt.
When testing Web applications for security vulnerabilities IDOR (Insecure Direct Object References). are some of the most critical issues to identify. These flaws can lead to unauthorized data access, privilege escalation, etc… (maybe completely compromise the application).
As mentioned above, if you are a person interested in learning how to exploit this vulnerability or if you are already an experienced hacker and want to improve your knowledge, this article can help you too!
What are an IDOR Vulnerability:
An IDOR vulnerability happens when an application reveals object references, such as IDs, filenames, or tokens, without implementing adequate…