ARTICLE ADMotorola Razr 5G India launch has been teased by the company on Twitter. In a tweet, Motorola has shared a short video clip that suggests that the company will bring the anticipated foldable device to India during the festive season. The Motorola Razr 5G has already been launched in the US. Apart from hinting at the phone's India debut, the Lenovo-owned company has also teased the launch of other products that likely include a smart TV, a refrigerator, and a washing machine.
In the tweet, Motorola shares a short video that highlights the silhouettes of some products that look like Motorola Razr 5G smartphone, a Motorola-branded TV, a front-load washing machine, and a two-door refrigerator. The video mentions that these products will be launched during the upcoming festive season. There are no details about the purported Motorola TV, front-load washing machine, and two-door refrigerator but the Motorola Razr 5G has already been launched in the US.
Imagine the farthest that technology could go today and then, some more. That's Motorola. Going beyond the ordinary to give you the extraordinary. Stay tuned!
— Motorola India (@motorolaindia) September 27, 2020Motorola Razr 5G price
The Motorola Razr 5G is priced at $1,399.99 (roughly Rs. 1.03 lakhs) for the sole 8GB + 256GB storage variant. It is offered in three colour options - Blush Gold, Polished Graphite, and Liquid Mercury.
Motorola Razr 5G specifications, features
The dual-SIM (Nano + eSIM) Motorola Razr 5G foldable phone runs on Android 10 with My UX on top. It sports a 6.2-inch plastic flexible OLED display (2,142 x 876 pixels) and an aspect ratio of 21:9. Thanks to its updated hinge design, the Motorola Razr 5G is claimed to withstand up to 200,000 flips. On the outside, the phone features a 2.7-inch glass OLED secondary screen (600 x 800 pixels) and 4:3 aspect ratio. This screen allows users to quickly check out notifications, reply to messages, get navigation directions, and more. Under the hood, the phone comes equipped with an octa-core Snapdragon 765G SoC and an Adreno 620 GPU.
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