Nessus — TryHackMe

11 months ago 53

kawsar uddin

Here I will learn how to set up and use Nessus, a popular vulnerability scanner.

Task 2 :Installation:

If you feel a problem in this paragraph you can read my article on the installation of Nessus in Linux.

Task 3: Navigation and Scans:

What is the name of the button which is used to launch a scan?

Answer: New Scan


The new scan button

What side menu option allows us to create custom templates?

Answer: Policies


The policies

Click on the Create new policies

The policy templates

What menu allows us to change plugin properties such as hiding them or changing their severity?

Answer: plugin rules


The plugin rules page

Now click on the “Create a new plugin rule” and create a new plugin.

The plugin rule

In the ‘Scan Templates’ section after clicking on ‘New Scan’, what scan allows us to see simply what hosts are alive?

Answer: Host Discovery


The Scan Template
The host discovery

One of the most useful scan types, which is considered to be ‘suitable for any host’?

Answer: Basic Network Scan


The Scan Template
The Basic Network Scan

What scan allows you to ‘Authenticate to hosts and enumerate missing updates’?

Answer: Credential Patch Audit

The Scan Template
Credentialed Patch Audit

What scan is specifically used for scanning Web Applications?

Answer: Web Application Tests


The Scan Template
The Web Applications tests

Task 4: Scanning!:

Create a new ‘Basic Network Scan’ targeting the deployed VM. What option can we set under ‘BASIC’ (on the left) to set a time for this scan to run? This can be very useful when network congestion is an issue.

Answer: Schedule


The Basic scan
Inside the Schedule

But remember if you are using free Nessus then off the Schedule before scanning otherwise no scan will happen

Under ‘DISCOVERY’ (on the left) set the ‘Scan Type’ to cover ports 1–65535. What is this type called?

Answer: Port Scan (all ports)


The Discovery

What ‘Scan Type’ can we change to under ‘ADVANCED’ for a lower bandwidth connection?

Answer: Scan low bandwidth links


The scan with low bandwidth

Now press the Launch button. After that, it will show in the dashboard.

During the attack the dashboard

After the scan completes, which ‘Vulnerability’ in the ‘Port scanners’ family can we view the details of to see the open ports on this host?

Answer: Nessus SYN scanner


After the scan, finish click on the “dvwa” and enter there.

After the scan finished

After entering the program.

Inside the program

Click on the blue line and see the list of the vulnerabilities.

List of vulnerabilities

What Apache HTTP Server Version is reported by Nessus?

Answer: 2.4.99


The version is 2.4.25. but the answer is not acceptable. The acceptable answer is 2.4.99. But I do not know why.

The version

Task 5: Scanning a Web Application!:

What is the plugin id of the plugin that determines the HTTP server type and version?

Answer: 10107


Select the “New Scan” button from the dashboard.

The dashboard

Select the “Web Application Tests” option.

The scan template page

Inside the template.

The web application tests

Set up everything as the previous process done in Basic Network Scan.

The vulnerabilities list:

The list of vulnerabilities

Click on the yellow marked column below.

The options

Inside the yellow mark select the “HTTP Server Type and Version” option:

The list

The plugin ID:

The plugin id

What authentication page is discovered by the scanner that transmits credentials in cleartext?

Answer: login.php


Select the option “HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Redirect Information”:

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Redirect Information
The login.php page

What is the file extension of the config backup?

Answer: .bak


Visit the “Backup Files Disclosure” option.

The Backup Files Disclosure

Inside the option.

The file extension is .bak

Which directory contains example documents? (This will be in a php directory)

Answer: /external/phpids/0.6/docs/examples


Visit the yellow marked option below:

The option

Visit the “HTTP Methods Allowed (per directory)” :

The HTTP Methods Allowed (per directory)

The example file path.

example file path

What vulnerability is this application susceptible to that is associated with X-Frame-Options?

Answer: Clickjacking


The options
About the vulnerability

So, Happy learning happy journey.

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