Password Cracking Technique used by Blackhat Hackers

1 year ago 84
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Brute force attacks are a type of cybersecurity threat that involve using a computer program to systematically guess passwords until the correct one is found. These attacks rely on the idea that, given enough time and resources, it is possible to guess any password.

How do Bruteforce Attacks Work?

There are a few different ways that brute force attacks can be conducted. The most common method is through the use of a password cracking tool, which is a program specifically designed to guess passwords. These tools can be used to try every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found.

Another way that brute force attacks can be conducted is through the use of a dictionary attack. In this type of attack, the program will try a pre-determined list of words, such as those found in a dictionary, as potential passwords.

Here is a Python code example for bruteforcing a KeePass file (check this article to know what a KeePass is ):

# This code is for educational purposes only and should not be used for any malicious purposesimport keepass
import itertools
# Open KeePass file
db ="my_keepass_file.kdbx")
# Set password list to be used for bruteforce
password_list = ["password", "1234", "qwerty", "letmein", "monkey", "sunshine", "iloveyou", "trustno1", "abc123"]
# Use itertools to generate all combinations of passwords from the list
password_combinations = itertools.product(password_list, repeat=2)
# Try each combination until correct password is found
for combination in password_combinations:
print("Correct password found:", combination)
# Close KeePass file

Examples of Bruteforce Tools

Some examples of password cracking tools that can be used to conduct brute force attacks include:

John the Ripper: This is a popular open-source password cracking tool that is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It can be used to crack a variety of different types of passwords, including those used for local accounts, network protocols, and more.Hashcat: This is another popular password cracking tool that is known for its fast cracking speeds. It can be used to crack a variety of different types of hashes, including those used for passwords.Aircrack-ng: This is a suite of tools that can be used to crack wireless network passwords. It includes a variety of different tools, including a password cracking tool called Aircrack.

Defending Againstorcing Attacks

There are a few different steps that you can take to defend against brute force attacks:

Use strong passwords: One of the most effective ways to defend against brute force attacks is to use strong passwords that are difficult to guess. This includes using a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring you to enter a code that is sent to your phone or email in addition to your password. This makes it much harder for an attacker to gain access to your account.Use a password manager: A password manager is a tool that helps you create and store strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts. This can help you avoid reusing passwords, which can make it easier for an attacker to guess them.Use security measures such as rate limiting: Another way to defend against brute force attacks is to implement security measures such as rate limiting, which limits the number of login attempts that can be made in a given period of time. This can make it much harder for an attacker to guess your password.

Other Types of Password Cracking Techniques

Brute force attacks are just one type of password cracking technique that attackers can use. Here are a few other common methods:

Dictionary attacks: As mentioned earlier, dictionary attacks involve using a pre-determined list of words as potential passwords. These attacks can be effective if the victim has chosen a simple or common password.Rainbow table attacks: A rainbow table is a pre-computed table of hashes that can be used to quickly crack passwords. These tables are typically very large, but they can be used to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to crack a password.Hybrid attacks: Hybrid attacks combine elements of brute force and dictionary attacks. They start by trying a pre-determined list of common passwords, and then move on to trying all possible combinations of characters if the initial list is unsuccessful.

Brute force attacks are a common and potentially dangerous threat to the security of online accounts. It is important to take steps to protect yourself by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and using security measures such as rate limiting. By understanding the different types of password cracking techniques that attackers can use, you can be better prepared to defend against these threats and keep your accounts secure.

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