Problems I have faced in Bug Bounty- Part 2

4 years ago 212

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In the previous blog, I got so many positive responses from many people to tell me that they are facing exactly the same problem so I decided to write part 2. In this blog, I will go thought every problem anyone will face in their lifetime. If you know the solution of those problems already, it will easer for you to achieve something big in life

Part 1 —Problems I have faced in Bug Bounty

Note: This blog is 100% based on my own experience and observation of life.

To continue I should tell who I am writing this blog and Why you should read this blog.

I am 20 years old live in India. I started hacking when I was 16 and I totally sure that I will be pentester and I will take a job on big companies. But I was busy on study back then so I don’t really focus on hacking. But in December 2017 at one night my elder brother calls me and told me something that totally blows up my mind and changes my life forever:

He : Hy what you want to do in life?
Me: Want to be a hacker and get a job on big companies
He: Job?
Me: Yeah why not?
He: You will lose your freedom of life and You never do something big in life.
17 year old me: What you are talking about? What I will do without a job? Is there any way so I don’t lose my freedom?
He: Yeah business
Me: What you talking about? I don’t want to be a shop keeper or like those peoples in market selling something.
He: No, you can open your own company
Me: WTF!! really? How? My own company? Impossible (Indian boys or girls never think, these things bcz our society teach us only for a job..)
He: Read this two books and after 2 month call me, Think and grow rich, Rich dad poor dad
Me: Yeah let’s see

So 1st I choose think and grow rich and I read but I don’t really understand anything for the first time. So I thought Nah. Its nothing. But he told something that stuck in my mind (my own company). So I really don’t know about youtube back then, bcz mobile data was so expensive (before jio) I don’t see any videos online (only Facebook). But I open youtube and search for “How to start my own company” and I chose the first video and saw there was one person called Entrepreneur, who start their companies and change the world. Then I search for “What is the difference between Entrepreneurs and normal people” and I found an answer and for the next 3 years I started to work only on it, and that was Mindset.

Then I spend a lot of time on youtube search the ways I can change my mindset and I tried everything, I mean everything. Here are things to completely change your mindset:

BrainWash yourself: This video I apply in my life for the next 21 days. And the result was I changed. Yes I totally changedAffirmation: You can choose any affirmation you want, search on youtube and choose 1 and listen it for next 1 month daily. I will stop your inner negative thoughts and change the way you thinkBooks: There are a lot of books that will change yourself and your thinking. I list them belowInspiration: You have to keep feeding your mind with positive things all the time. And remember motivation is like feeling come and go but inspiration stays forever. I watched videos about peoples that do impossble things in this world. And I asked myself how they can do that kind of things and others dont?

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get some inspiration:

“Why wright brothers have the courage to make a plane, when everyone thinking that humans never can fly?” (See this video to get ans)“What was something in steve job that 1 person change the whole world?”(See this movie. I saw it 100 times still want to see 100 more)“Why henry ford believe that there can be something better than cart?”

You can guess what I really want to talk about, If someone in this world does something innovative How they do it? and Why they do it?. And if they can do why we can’t?

Here are things that run your life. Yes you are thinking that you run your life and 100% things in your control but nop you wrong.

Your believes make who you are. Remember, negative beliefs stopping you from your full potential. Here are some questions for you:

Have you even ask questions on your believes?Are those believes make you grow in life?What are your believes that stopping you to do something you really want to?

Technique: To identify negative believe take a pen and paper and you have to look within yourself take 2 hours of your life alone and look within and ask this questions and wirte down ans whatever come in mind:

What is the perfect life for me?What things I really want to do in life, if there is no issue of money and time?How do I want to be treated or known by others?What things I want to do that really make me proud?What thing I want to do so when I will in my death bed there will no regret of my life?

After these questions you will found many things you want to do in life. For example:

Starting your own business and quit your jobTravel the worldHelp 10,000 people and give do something for themOr, buy something you really want to, like cars, hours etc

Now here is hard part, Write down everything again that stopping you from getting those things. Example:

I am not good at hacking (or my work) there are a lot of people better than me.I can’t do this because what other people will think about me?

Now, you found your negative beliefs, you have to stick questions on everything that stopping you and you will automatically get the answer, For example:

I am not good at hacking there are a lot of people better than me.
Is it true? are those peoples born hacker? → No (you got ans then ask next question)
Then how they be the best at there work? → I dont know let me find out (and you saw “hard work”, “late night”, “persistency”)
Then you ask, Am I still want to be a hacker? → Yes
Am I ready to pay the price? → Yes (Now you distorted your negative believe and you start working on the right path and be a good hacker)I can’t do this because what other people will think about me?
Is it really matters what other people will think about me? → Yess
Why is it matter? are they come to feed me? → No
Is everyone of the world matter for me? → No
Then who are the people matter for me? → Mom, dad
What if I go and tell them whatever I want to do, were they will listen to me? → Yes (then why fear?)

I gave two examples to destroy those negative believes that stopping you. You are do it by your own. The more questions you ask the more you will clear on your life. Here are some quote that will inspire you to do so:

“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.” – Peter Abelard

“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” ― Albert Einstein

To create a new believe it takes time max — 3 month and min-21days. It depends on you. For me it takes 30 days to 40 days. To create a new believe I already mentioned above:


So now, you have deleted all negative beliefs from your life and you have to plan the right desire in life. Desires are like seeds you have to choose the right desires carefully. Because if you plan the wrong tree then your life will much worse and there will more anxiety, depression.

Always choose desires that based on your experience and the person who wanted to become never make desire on materialistic things here are some example:

I want to become best at hacking → this is the right desireI want to earn a lot of money from hacking → this is the wrong desire because your desire is attached with the materialistic thing and it is infinity and can be lost, it means you will never be satisfied in life, Bcz you will want more and more and more.

Our habits run 90% of our life. So if you have a bad habit of overthinking then you will never concentrate on anything, or if you have a bad habit of comparing yourself with others then you will never be happy in life

First, you have to identify what is good and what is a bad habit. I ask you Is smoking a bad habit? why? some people don’t think its bad habits and allow their child to smoke — watch this
So how you know a habit good or bad? — Simple. If something good for your health then it good if bad for health then bad. It can diff based on people. Here are the steps to make a habit:

Step one → Watch this videoStep two → Apply in life

I don’t want to cover this part because I learn this from James Clear So I don’t really want to cover it here. And his book Atomic Habit is the best way to make and destroy a habit.

This are 3 basic things to get a happy life and you have to make this tree strong every day

If you see and read successful people’s stories then you will see they have so many things common and the steps they are taken almost the same. Here are the steps to get success in life

WHY → Why you want to do whatever you want to do? What is the purpose of it? If this why is not clear then you can think you already failed at itVision →What is your future vision of it? If you cant see it with open eyes then you will never get it. I don’t know about it but I learn it from Arnold Schwarzenegger on his speechPlanning →Now you have a vision and your why clear, you have to make plans to get there. Long term and short term. If you don’t have any plan then it’s just a dream that will never be true. You have to make a plan for the next 5 years then break it and make a plan for 1 year then 1 month then 1 week and per dayHabit → To succeed in your planning you have to stick with it and to do so you have to make habits so you dont have to think about it anymore. Example: Why Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg wear the same dress every day?Tracking → What you can’t track you never improve so you have to track your habit. If you miss a day you have to know, Why you miss it? and how to avoid it from next day and How to improve it daily

Now your habit will make your plan successful and you will achieve your vision and complete your why. Congrats you got success (if you apply this in life then 90% people will not)

I already covered things you need to be successful, steps you need to take. Now here are some lesson I learn thought out my journey:

Never ever set goals: Yeah never set goal. Because a successful person and a failure have the same goals. And also if you failed you will less believe in yourself from next time. So always make a process and attached it with your daily habit. See thisPersistency: 1 thing you need to be successful in life. I learn this from the movie The Founder (2016) . At the end of the movie(here is it) Ray Kroc says

PERSISTENCE. Nothing in this world can take the place of good old persistence. Talent won’t. Nothing’s more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

3. Know nothing called luck: Here is nothing called “luck”. Its all about hardwork. Here is the quote that inspired me a lot

I’m a Great Believer in Luck. The Harder I Work, the More Luck I Have

4. Understanding of things: Life is all about asking the right questions and the more questions you ask the more clear you get in life. You have to see things as it is and also you have to go beyond your feelings to get a deeper understanding of life

5.Make more mistakes : Many people thinks that mistakes are bad but nop they are the best why to learn. Make more mistake so you can know this ways things will not work. So never be afraid of making mistakes.

6. Deep work: This is very important to do something that never is gone before. How to do deep work? To learn deep work read this book. I generally do, I plug a headphone with lo-fi or sleep affirmations then I start forest app, mute my phone and start working.

7. Know yourself: If you want to achieve something big in life then that path will be lonely and everything will aginst you only you will with yourself. So you have to know. “What is my weakness?” “What are my strengths?” “What I love most?” “What is my true values?”

8. Follow tao (not for everyone): Tao is a way of effortless living. It suits me, it does not mean you have to know tao, for now, you can apply everything I mention above. But if you want to know about tao then read this book or listen to audiobook or see this to apply tao in life.

9. Knowlage to action: Yes if you dont apply anything in life whatever I covered in this blog then you weasted you time. Or if you apply things in life then you will face more hidden problem and this is the journey of life.

10. Love and forgive others: Yes love your enemy, bcz they are human too. If you are the same position like them in life, then you will be the same. So never hate anyone in life. Here is nothing powerful then love. See everyone as your friend and pray good for other everyday. It will make your mind peaceful

This is how I change my mindset now continue to the story. After “The first search on youtube that changes my life”

If you don’t know what is your passion. Then it will really hard for you to stick with something in life. Here is something you can try to find your passion:

To find passion (if you dont found yet) then test all things you do. Try everything. Then see that make you satisfied and you will be proud to tell that “ Yes I am ___”

In 2018 I need to find my passion. So I started to find my passion 2018 and 2019 two years I tried a lot of things to find my passion

But nothing. Littery nothing make me satisfied. I tried things when things start to grow I quit bcz it don’t make me satisfied it dont kick me. I earn a good amount of money. But fuck it.I dont want money.

My life was fucked up at that time, Bcz I don’t know what to do. What is my passion then one day I was in my room, depressed then suddenly look and my computer and remember, fuckkkk I am a hacker. Shit, I wasted my 2 years selling shit to others and tied to find my passion. How can I be such a dump? So I start hacking from 2020.

In this year I was more interested to learn “How to succeed in life” then “How to succeed in bug bounty”. So I learn a lot of things about life then bug bounty. So here are mistake I observer within me:

Don’t take note: Yeah I realised this mistake after 2nd month of bugbounty (feb) so whatever I learned I just saved as a bookmark or pocket but dont take notes of itDon’t stick with 1 bugtype: I know many hackers already tell all the time that stick with 1 bugtype, But I don’t really love XSS because It dont kick me. I mean I was more interested to learn about things then finding bugs. So It took me so long to find my first bugSave all data: This depends on you and your workflow. If you think this endpoint have something but you don’t have that skill to apply here then save the data for laterNot using git: In April lockdown, my computer’s motherboard fucked so I was not backed up my everything so it has gone. And it took 1 month to fix my computer. And I have to start everything from scratch. So always backup online.Learn from everyone follow no one: This is I learn 2 months ago, I was reading all blogs and following everyone. So I stop for a moment and saw it completely worthiness. So I choose some of my inspirational peoples and I only follow them. I observe everything, How they talk, How they think, How they see a problem. I only read their reports and put myself to there place and every time I, “fuck I never think about it”. I saw there HackerOne interview 100 times again and again. And note every word they say. (Note this can be foolish to you, But I learn this way by observing)Alone:Yeah I feel it, that I am the only one who doesn’t get my first bug. Bcz there was a lot of twites “I got $$$$”. Yeah, this also can motivate you that “if they can so I can too”. But I mentioned above don’t make the wrong desires. If you feel alone then know it’s totaly fine.Love hacking: Why you hack? money? wrong desire. Why you hack? To show others how cool you are? wrong desire. I dont know what you should do but for me. I love hacking bcz there is a lotttt of learn a lot to explore.Bugbounty is not compition to win: If you love to compete with other then its okay. But many people want more and more money bcz their first earning more than him. Shit no. You making yourself unhappy, anxious, depressed without any proper reason. Love the game, have fun with friends.Be who you are: In the beginning, I was sad bcz I was thinking why I am not like others? why do I want to read and learn more and business and life then hacking? But after getting DM’s from part 1 of my blog, I changed my thinking. Bcz I write this type of blogs that helps others not in hacking but in life. So be who you are

So if you read this blog I will happy to know about your thoughts send me a DM here Unknownuser1806. And remember life is a journey. If you still don’t get the bug and you are hacking for 1 year, I am here too. I spend 2020 to research these things, not bug bounty LOL.

Everyone shares, how much they earn and it’s totaly satisfied feeling, and reword of hardwork but there are a lot of people don’t ever found a single bug and they also should know each others. Comment in this twitte “I AM NOT ALONE” and see how many people don’t ever found any bug.
Here: —

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