ARTICLE ADSamsung Galaxy Tab A7 will soon be launched in India, an Amazon India teaser has revealed. The development comes a couple of weeks after the tablet's support pages went live on Samsung India's website. While the listing on the Samsung website delved out information on the Galaxy Tab A7's Wi-Fi-only and LTE variants (model numbers SM-T500 and SM-T505, respectively), the Amazon page teases the tablet's design and colour options. The tablet features a 10.4-inch display, a large battery, and a quad speaker setup.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7's Amazon promotional page suggests that the tablet could come in at least three colour options. It also highlights the Galaxy Tab A7's impressive display, gaming-oriented hardware, and an inbuilt “digital classroom and playground for kids.” Interested customers can press the ‘Notify Me' button to get details on the upcoming tablet's pricing in India, availability, and further details closer to the launch. The Galaxy Tab A7 has already been spotted in support pages on Samsung India's website.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 price (expected)
Samsung hasn't announced the pricing details of the Galaxy Tab A7 for India or other markets. However, an earlier report suggested that the tablet could be priced at EUR 235 (roughly Rs. 20,500) for the 32GB storage Wi-Fi only variant in Europe. The LTE variant may come with a EUR 293 (roughly Rs. 25,600) price tag. The 64GB Wi-Fi only model may be priced at EUR 266 (roughly Rs. 23,200), whereas the 64GB LTE variant could be priced at EUR 323 (roughly Rs. 28,200). The India pricings could be in line with the European pricing.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 features (expected)
Samsung has already revealed that the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 sports a 10.4-inch screen with symmetrical bezel and a premium metal finish. It sports a screen-to-body ratio of 80 percent and is fitted with a quad speaker setup that supports Dolby Atmos technology.
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