ARTICLE ADStay Here, Hacker! It’s Now happening something important, because You have now chance to learn from My mistake and avoid doing this from Your Own, let’s start!
Greetings! Let’s Start from the first most important sentence. When You wanna be a Hacker, When You want to build a Hacker Career, When You want to have touch with the black/grey/white-hacking world….
One commandment:
1'st question:
Have You ever thought of what Kali says?
“The quieter You become the more You are able to hear.”
-Ram Dass
The world of Hacking. Today’s hacking world might seems pretty friendly and exposed, but trust Me, not really. Fact, that hacking is exposed and free-to learn that is not equal to ‘hacking does not exist’, and does not give permission to talk loud, who don’t You are.
2'nd Question:
Okay, We had serious intro, so now a little bit sense of serious humor. Have You seen this street-rules that “death to confidants” “no talking with police”?
Like this:
“THE CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE, for the traitor there is no understanding and forgiveness”
All that hood rules is about silence and no talking to police, but It’s have one more function, No speaking loud about Your knowledge, No praising about what You know. It might seems funny, but this one touches Hackers.
Strict to the point
Focus for 5 minutes, and read this, please
My biggest trouble was when I said to the wrong people, that I’m learning how to hack, some of persons took it serious and respectfully, but some with laugh. Both have one common part, new ears that heard who am I.
Guy with mask in the thumbnail it’s Me. 8 Persons know My face without mask and knows what I am doing. 15 Knows that I am hacking. 2 Friends, 3 members of My family, 2 Trusted people, 1 Untrusted, God, and Me. 8 Persons know that I am NnFace.
It was mistake, I realized, that if less people know who am I, It’s better….
Let’s Talk about just You are a hacker, You are learning Ethical Hacking, Black/White/Grey hat career and You wanna share this with someone.
You are exposing Your skills to new pair of ears, who might join You and support or talk to others, make fun, or even make You some troubles.
What I’m trying to say?:
Profits of quietness:
You will discover one time real hackers that have some to say like You, although they are quiet like a monumentYou will not be suspended if the case of hacking troubleOthers will make pointless fun of You, because even when You will hear “get to work” “why are You not employed” “You are parasite”…. Hah… You know YoursLoss of louldness:
Real hackers avoid loud people, they will judge You as a clownEverything judge You if You make it or noQuestions “Can You hack my ex account” “Can You hack this or this”?If there were an accident related to hacking, You are marching the number 1 suspectImmoral propositions about hacking for moneyThat’s why You should avoiding talking too much, that You are a Hacker. The biggest problem is that, You are selling quietness for pumping Your ego and trying to get people’s attention respect.
But first what is comming to mind, that is Police. They are not getting respect for You, they have to find a suspect. So when it will come to case of illegal hacking in place when You live, You are immediately the №1 suspect, because everyone know You know how to doing, they do not give a f*ck that this might was some guy from the other side of the planet.
Do not use hacking knowledge for building Your EGO
In this cases stands previous point + the next rules.
Did You notice that in the every chapter of YouTube video I am wearing the mask? (See the thumbnail)
Because Price of normal life is higher than My boosted ego
Big Difference
There is a big difference between supporting Your career and just pumping Your ego.
When You wanna start Your carrer You seriously have to choose:
Blessing of normal lifePumping Your ego with price of fame. two-edged swordIf You are trusting someone to tell You are a Hacker. You will have to deal with this that all not people will keep this secret, the price of this might be awfull, You are transforming Yourself into the face of the Hacking World.
You can see, It’s all going ABOUT YOUR EGO.
Why do people showing their faces when they are recording videos on YT? 99,9% of them wanna be famous, but the price is double-sided. Think twice before You decide to have fame. I wanna, of course, but what if it seriously gonna make this and God will bless You with fame? All Your life is changed from private to public like a YT videos, You are recognized, When You are extremely famous Your life is a show.
And when it will not blow up, no one will know this was You (But don’t take this that You can do bad think cause You are covering Yourself)
When I (May God bless Me with this) someday be famous, at all events, all intervievs I have to wear My mask. I feel like an ultras at the football match, cause I wanna have normal life, without Fame without cameras. Seriously nothing will happened if the whole world will not know, that You are a “THIS PERSON, WOOOOW”
Hacker have to be quiet.
When You know that You are going all in with Your hearth. Keep this for YourselfWhen You are working on something great. Keep this for YourselfWhen You made something beautifull. Keep this for Yourself.When You recieved 1'st payment from company of b.b program. Keep this for Yourself.When You are building Your brand. Keep this for Yourself.You have to learn to talk only to God, Trusted part of the family and Your friends about what You wanna do/have done yet, and how it’s going with Your sucess. Take it serious, and You will thank Yourself in the future…
I’ve seen enough people, who started to go hard in the head not because they were too loud but quiet, they started to feel like someone important because they didn’t say anything and on their “aura” of mysteriousness they built their egos, which were f*cked into space. Be aware of this!
When You can’t hold Your image like lazy and misserable or just arrogant person, because You care what other will think…Try My method:
M-MateY- You as a Hacker№1 Method
M-Hey, why You did not recieved My call?
Y-Hey, sorry but I was working
M-Oh, on what
Y-Ahh, You know I was working for one Guy, He paid me to do one thing
M-Which thing?
Y-Some website, he paid me to create one website, fast and he gave Me small tip
M-Why so long?
Y-’Cause I messed up some code and I had to repair it, then I had to renew whole code and I was sooo frustrated, You know what I am saying
M-Okay, got it, It’s nice that You are working so hard
Perfect situation…
Instead of “I was doing Bug Bounty/White-Hacking Order…I was working2. In the next phase of questions…
Pouring water as f*ck that You were doing IT stuff, but not hacking in any way, When You recieved 200$ for Bug bounty, tell that “This guy” gave You small tip3. In the case of curiosity of question-man…
I had to work long for this codeYou have image of working Guy, You are not judged as lazybones, You give to the brain of people that You are making some money. You are justifying Your absence. Perfect lie.
I am a Christian, lying is sin, I’m telling this to not be arogant, but better case of this:
№2 Method
I was workingOn what?
Can’t tell You/(Less arogant case) and, You know, that kind of computer stuff of mineTry not to lie, but avoid exposeing Yourself. Here You told the truth, You was working on something but You know… ahh to be true… My computer stuffs…
Or just say I can’t tell, but this is too unclear to people to avoid them asking more and more….
Pumping Ego, because You speak loudPumping Ego, because You are hiding everythingBe in the middle and think with considerationThink about this, and one homework.
Try to think about what You wanna do and if it’s really worth, and what are the sacrifises and profits of Your decisions… And I sadly have to left You with this afterthoughts…
May God Bless You, Hacker, Take care and stay right minded!🙏❤️
Take Care ❤
-NnFace :*
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The Wall of Acknowledgements:
Pretty Thanks to Guys from Publication that I have pleasure to share this story on MeetCyber