Take Control Your Victim Account Using Session Fixation

3 years ago 187

On 27 Sep 2020 i was planning to do nothing, i was so lazy but i’m bored just lying in my bed so i guest to start hunting some bugs with my laptop.

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I was looking on some program in Bugcrowd and i came across to Moneytree Bug Bounty Program, there’s many In Scope domain(s) so i guest starting to find some vulnerabilities on these domain(s).

I came across to this domain


Then i registering a new account, after register a new account, i logged into the website using my registered account and i saw access_token in the Url.

https://app-staging.getmoneytree.com/#access_token=[Token]&token_type=bearer&expires_in=3600&client_id=[Client ID]&continue=%2Fapp%2Ftrends%2Fnet-worth&locale=en&configs=sdk_platform%3Djs%3Bsdk_version%3D1.3.0

My mind crossed a Session Fixation vulnerability, so i copy the full Url and save it to my Sublime Text.

After that i clearing my browser history and paste the full Url on my browser to see if i got Session Fixation vulnerability and it was vulnerable! Woah!

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I quickly reported the vulnerability through the Moneytree Bug Bounty Program at Bugcrowd.

On 29 Sep 2020 12:00 (GMT +7) I got an email notification that my report was previously reported on 10 Feb 2020 21:06:43 (GMT +7), I started to ask why the vulnerability hasn’t been fixed after 7 months? hmm, wheter the developer was too lazy to fix it or maybe there’s something else. But it’s OK

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Here’s the PoC video :


Time Line :

27 Sep 2020 - Initial Report29 Sep 2020 - Duplicate

Thanks for reading my story, i hope you enjoy it. See you on the next story ☺️☺️

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