The Art Of Determining Whether Sensitive Data Is Shared with Third Parties via Embedded Services …

1 month ago 24


To determine whether API calls and functions provided by the third-party library are used according to best practices, review their source code, requested permissions and check for any known vulnerabilities.

All data that’s sent to third-party services should be anonymized to prevent exposure of PII (Personal Identifiable Information) that would allow the third party to identify the user account. No other data (such as IDs that can be mapped to a user account or session) should be sent to a third party.

Check all requests to external services for embedded sensitive information. To intercept traffic between the client and server, you can perform dynamic analysis by launching a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack with Burp Suite Professional or OWASP ZAP. Once you route the traffic through the interception proxy, you can try to sniff the traffic that passes between the app and server. All app requests that aren’t sent directly to the server on which the main function is hosted should be checked for sensitive information, such as PII in a tracker or ad service.

Search for any usage of the NotificationManager class which might be an indication of some form of notification management. If the class is being used, the next step would be to understand how the application is generating the notifications ↗ and which data ends up being shown.

Run the application and start tracing all calls to functions related to the notifications creation, e.g. setContentTitle or setContentText from NotificationCompat.Builder. Observe the trace in the end and evaluate if it contains any sensitive information which another app might have eavesdropped.

Create a Notification ↗NotificationCompat.Builder

In the layout definition of an activity, you can define TextViews that have XML attributes. If the XML attribute android:inputType is given the value textNoSuggestions, the keyboard cache will not be shown when the input field is selected. The user will have to type everything manually.

android:inputType="textNoSuggestions" />

The code for all input fields that take sensitive information should include this XML attribute to disable the keyboard suggestions ↗.

Alternatively, the developer can use the following constants:

Check the application code to verify that none of the input types are being overwritten. For example, by doing findViewById( the input type of the input field KeyBoardCache is set to text reenabling the keyboard cache.

Finally, check the minimum required SDK version in the Android Manifest (android:minSdkVersion) since it must support the used constants (for example, Android SDK version 11 is required for textWebPassword). Otherwise, the compiled app would not honor the used input type constants allowing keyboard caching.

Start the app and click in the input fields that take sensitive data. If strings are suggested, the keyboard cache has not been disabled for these fields.

A numeric password field ↗Disable keyboard suggestions ↗Text password input type ↗Text visible password input type ↗Text web password input type ↗numberPasswordtextPasswordtextVisiblePasswordtextWebPassword
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