The Fuzzy Wuzzy: Unveiling Hidden Parameters

2 weeks ago 16


Ever stumbled on a web page or API endpoint but felt clueless about its parameters? That’s where fuzzing comes in, your secret weapon for uncovering hidden vulnerabilities!

Imagine finding a parameter that’s begging to be exploited — a gateway to file inclusion, path disclosure, or even code injection nightmares! With ffuf as our trusty boxing glove, we can unleash a barrage of possibilities and see what sticks.

Round 1: Identifying Parameter Types

First things first, let’s figure out what kind of data the parameter wants. We can throw a variety of punches with ffuf, using a wordlist of common parameter names or even random words. This helps us understand if the parameter expects numbers, text, or something else entirely.


$ ffuf -u 'http://MACHINE_IP/{SOMEAPI}/{ENDNOTE}/?FUZZ=1' -c -w /path/to/burp-parameter-names.txt -fw 39$ ffuf -u '=1' -c -w /path/to/raft-medium-words-lowercase.txt -fw 39

Round 2: Unleashing the Number Fury!

Looks like we found a parameter that craves numbers! Time to unleash a flurry of numeric jabs. We can either create a wordlist or use ffuf’s built-in magic. Here are some ways to generate a list of numbers from 0 to 255 and pipe them directly to ffuf:

ruby -e '(0..255).each{|i| puts i}' | ffuf -u 'http://MACHINE_IP/{SOMEAPI}/{ENDNOTE}/?id=FUZZ' -c -w - -fw 33 (Ruby on the fly)seq 0 255 | ffuf -u 'http://MACHINE_IP/{SOMEAPI}/{ENDNOTE}/?id=FUZZ' -c -w - -fw 33 (Using seq command)

Round 3: Brutal Password Blitz

Fuzzing isn’t just for numbers! We can also use ffuf to launch a wordlist-based assault on login pages. Imagine bombarding the password field with a dictionary of leaked passwords — the perfect uppercut to expose weak credentials.


$ ffuf -u http://MACHINE_IP/{SOMEAPI}/ENDNOTE/ -c -w /path/to/passwords.txt -X POST -d 'uname=Dummy&passwd=FUZZ&submit=Submit' -fs 1435 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

With ffuf by your side, the world of fuzzing becomes an exhilarating playground. Remember, this is just a glimpse into ffuf’s potential. With a little creativity, you can unleash its power to uncover hidden secrets and conquer even the most enigmatic web targets!

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