Title: Exploiting Path Traversal Vulnerability in User Profile URLs

3 months ago 48

Pavan kumar.G

Introduction: In the realm of web application security, path traversal vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to user data and system integrity. In this write-up, we delve into a particular instance of path traversal vulnerability discovered during security testing, highlighting its implications and potential exploits.

Background: During a routine security assessment of a web application, a path traversal vulnerability was identified in the user profile functionality. The application allowed users to access their profiles via direct paths such as /{username}. Upon further investigation, it was observed that the application did not adequately sanitize user input, allowing for the manipulation of profile URLs.

Exploitation Scenario: The path traversal vulnerability enabled attackers to exploit the user profile functionality by signing up with system reserved file names, including index.php, signup.php, and login.php. By registering a username such as index.php, an attacker could manipulate the profile URL to access sensitive application components.

Impact: The exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to severe consequences, including:

Website Defacement: Attackers could replace critical pages such as index.php or login.php with their user profiles, effectively defacing the website and disrupting its functionality.Phishing Attacks: By taking over essential pages like the login page, attackers could launch phishing attacks to steal user credentials and gain unauthorized access to accounts.Information Disclosure: Accessing system files or sensitive application components could result in the exposure of confidential information, compromising user privacy and system security.

Mitigation: To mitigate the risk posed by path traversal vulnerabilities, web application developers should implement robust input validation and sanitization mechanisms. Additionally, access controls should be enforced to prevent unauthorized access to system files and directories. Regular security assessments and penetration testing can help identify and remediate such vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious actors.

Conclusion: The discovery of path traversal vulnerabilities underscores the importance of proactive security measures in web application development. By understanding the intricacies of these vulnerabilities and their potential exploits, developers and security professionals can work together to safeguard user data and protect against emerging threats. Through ongoing vigilance and collaboration, the security posture of web applications can be strengthened, ensuring a safer online experience for all users.

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